Radio Power Out Limit?


Cleared for Takeoff
Sep 25, 2005
Eastern Iowa
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Jim Meade
I can't find the reference if there is a limit on the power output for a comm radio on the aviation bands? Can someone cite it for me, please?
I can't find the reference if there is a limit on the power output for a comm radio on the aviation bands? Can someone cite it for me, please?

I know you can buy a 16W panel mounted radio.
I can't find the reference if there is a limit on the power output for a comm radio on the aviation bands? Can someone cite it for me, please?
It's likely in an FCC document. They typically spell out the max transmit or radiated power in each frequency band.
I see that there's a lower limit of 10W for "Aeronautical multicom" and "Aeronautical advisory". Perhaps the latter is for an airport's unicom ground station. I wonder if airborne comm transmitters with more than 10W output are required to limit power on frequencies designated for multicom. IIRC, most GA comm transmitters are 10W or less on all freqs.
I see that there's a lower limit of 10W for "Aeronautical multicom" and "Aeronautical advisory". Perhaps the latter is for an airport's unicom ground station. I wonder if airborne comm transmitters with more than 10W output are required to limit power on frequencies designated for multicom. IIRC, most GA comm transmitters are 10W or less on all freqs.
Those two are for the ground stations licensed as those types. The restrictions associated with them are NA for aircraft comm systems.