Radio LED brightness


Filing Flight Plan
Jan 16, 2024
Seattle, WA
Display Name

Display name:
How do I increase the brightness of the LED on the radio display of an old cessna 150? The frequency numbers are very hard to read during day time.

The cessna 150 has a very old radio (the one that has a frequency "use" and "stby" with a button to switch). Sorry I don't have the make/model of the radio.

Thanks in advance.
It might be a bad photocell for automatic dimming models or the dimming control may be wired to a rheostat and likely other equipment is too in that case.

A picture of the panel might help since you don't know what the radios are

Here is how the radio panel looks, I don't see any make model printed on it.
That's a kx155, and those are not LEDs. IMO it would be throwing good money after bad to try to fix it; get a radio with an integrated intercom.

Doesn’t it have rheostat on the panel that controls the lighting?
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Doesn’t it have reostat on the panel that controls the lighting?
I only see 4 rheostats - 2 small and 2 large
first small rheostat controls on/off and volume, the 2 larger knobs are for frequency change and the 2nd smaller one is the squelch
If this is your airplane consider conversion to an LED display.
Having flown with a KX-155 that had the LED conversion, my opinion is that it wasn't as clear or bright as a properly functioning stock VFD (vacuum fluorescent display). Good enough to extend the life of the radio, but not as good as what it replaced.
I only see 4 rheostats - 2 small and 2 large
first small rheostat controls on/off and volume, the 2 larger knobs are for frequency change and the 2nd smaller one is the squelch
Those are on the radio. The question was for one that's on the panel, possibly the same one that controls the instrument lights and/or the eyebrow lights.
I will try different rheostats on the panel and see if that makes any difference
I think those old radios used nixie tubes for the display.
Um, no.

Nixie tube characters are not segmented.

Vacuum fluorescent displays are.
Read the entire thread. There are good suggestions in it and description of an adjustment for brightness.

EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about the KX155/165: 669 pages!
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Read the entire thread. There are good suggestions in it and description of an adjustment for brightness.

Cheap try: Put a small piece of black electrical tape over the photosensor. Make it think it is night.

EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about the KX155/165: 669 pages!
But won't that make the display even dimmer?

Reminds me of when I fixed my check engine light on with black electrical tape.
gas plasma displays, not vfd or nixie tube
