[R[NA]ant] The world is changing and I aint. [/R[/NA]t]


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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My iPad shattered and I wanted to get it fixed.
Guess where you gotta go when your iPad breaks. That's right, the Apple store. I called several places and ended up having to go to the Apple store.

There are no Android stores. You know why? Because Android isn't a dick. Android lets you play nicely with others. Android is like a chill guy who gets along with just about everyone. Except Foreflight. But I don't blame Android for that. Android would probably love to be friends with Foreflight. BUT NO!!! Foreflight is just like Apple. Foreflight is a non cooperative prick that doesn't like to share and only wants to do things his own way.

The Apple store was packed with no less than 90 people on their lunch break all very content to deal with this inconvenience of having to go to this specific store that their device requires. AND IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A BACK BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Android is like "Hey I'm friends with everyone and hey, if you want to go back to what you were doing, I got your back buddy!"


My friend called me all excited "DUUUUUUUUDE!!!! Come to xyz Bar, they have FOOD TRUCKS!!!!!"

Very excited he was about ****ing food trucks.

Why are you excited about this? "Food Truck" gives you no information about which to be excited. NONE! Do you like trucks? I never see you play with trucks. You have never once pointed out a truck before and been like "Awe damn, man I love me some trucks"

And Food. Nobody ever goes OH MAN!!! I want SOME FOOD! FOOD IS THE BEST!!

I mean tell me there is a "Rudy's BBQ truck" and now I have enough information to decide if I am excited or not. I would get that but being excited simply by combining food and truck is faking on some level. Unless I know what the truck is serving, I don't have enough information to get excited. And neither do you. Quit faking excitement about the food delivery method. It makes no ****ing sense!


He then gets a bucket of PBR.
A 44 year old man that has been drinking craft beer for the last 10 years is VERY excited about this beer which is historically famous for being tasteless and cheap. He is pretending to like something that he knows isn't good... So much so that he gets a bucket of 4 or 5 of them. WTF????


In July I waited in a 1 hour line to try an In-And-Out burger. Same deal. Not bad but no better than a whopper. Sure as hell not worth the 1 hour wait. Yet people do it. LOTS of people. 1 hours worth on that day.

If the food was that good you wouldn't be getting it from a ****ing drive thru.

Those same people... Those same people would all leave a nice steakhouse if the hostess said there was a 1 hour wait.

But for a ****ty McWhopper knock off? "Where's my tent? Lets camp the **** out! We're not going to miss out on this."


People are pretending things are much more amazing than they actually are and I just don't get it.

The world is a fine place but that is all it is. It is fine. There's no need to pretend that crap is somehow not crap and that it is ever worth losing an hour of your life just because other people have convinced you that this crap is better than the non crap you wouldn't wait an hour for.

Doesn't make sense. Not one bit of sense.


Today I am 40 years and 4 months old. Today 2/16/2017 I finally broke down and got a prescription for glasses. I fought long and hard pretending my AME medical was a legit eye exam but today I finally gave that up. I went to the eye glasses store and I went to pick out frames.

I don't want glasses. I don't want to wear them. I don't want them to be a major part of my character. My goal was to get the least visible glasses they make. Well Eff Me! If yo go to the glasses store in 2017, you have 2 options. Buddy Holly or Groucho Marx. That's what you are supposed to wear.


I went to my friend PBR's house to tell him I had to finally get glasses. He invites me in and shows me his new beard grooming kit complete with combs, some sort of oil, trimmers, and shapers. If you have all that stuff you don't deserve a ****ing beard! Having a beard is about being lazy and not giving a ****, eating meat and finding chunks of meat in it later. Shave it off now. You lost beard having privileges when you decided to treat it like a french poodle instead of a nest full of beer scented surprises.

This was the year. It's not my world anymore and that is fine. The kids can have it but don't get mad at me when I don't get all excited that your hair is finally long enough to but in some stupid ass man bun.

Stupid 40
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meh - have a couple PBRs and check back in about 15 years.

You're griping about whatever other people think happens to be "cool" and it doesn't pop for you.

Throw on an old shirt that's out of style, have another beer, and sit back and watch your kids grow up and be thankful for your family. Then put on black socks and sandals, hike your shorts up to your armpits, and go outside and shake your fist at whoever gets too close to your yard.
meh - have a couple PBRs and check back in about 15 years.

You're griping about whatever other people think happens to be "cool" and it doesn't pop for you.

Throw on an old shirt that's out of style, have another beer, and sit back and watch your kids grow up and be thankful for your family. Then put on black socks and sandals, hike your shorts up to your armpits, and go outside and shake your fist at whoever gets too close to your yard.

I went out to the yard in a towel this morning to check see how my latest round of weed killer is doing.
My first thought was how close I am to doing that and my daughter screaming "DAD!!!! NO!!!! THE NEIGHBORS CAN SEE YOU!!!!! OMG YOU ARE EMBARRASSING ME!!!!"
one part of the rant is missing.....

Jack's music is getting too loud and you don't understand it.
I think there's a pill for that.

Someone I knew that was employed as a fact checker and editor said he had to be careful with those... something about if he had a correction that lasted longer than four hours....
one part of the rant is missing.....

Jack's music is getting too loud and you don't understand it.


I still have that market cornered. I am teaching him to play drums.
Last weekend I started on Brooke with guitar. I will be a proud papa when she says "Take me to guitar center, there is this half stack I have my eye on. ;)
Set up Eren in lead vocals and it's not gonna bee too long before we see flyers around Denton with

"Tonight at Dan's Silverleaf, SixPappaCharlie and the Red Handle Trio"​
Set up Eren in lead vocals and it's not gonna bee too long before we see flyers around Denton with

"Tonight at Dan's Silverleaf, SixPappaCharlie and the Red Handle Trio"​
I can't wait for the lunchbox!

Now you're making me feel ancient. I had that exact box ....
You can make reservations at the apple store ahead of time and skip the line.... always worth it to watch the looks of outrage in the faces of all the people waiting when you just walk in and get service right away.
Oh and by the way, @SixPapaCharlie , although I agree with your basic premise that a Whopper is at least as good as an Inn N Out, The King absolutely refuses to even attempt a lettuce wrap job on your burger.
You know, they just installed a ******n Burger King just down the street. An actual, freakin' Burger King. In Saigon. Seriously. A Burger King in Saigon. WTF. I **** you not.
You can make reservations at the apple store ahead of time and skip the line.... always worth it to watch the looks of outrage in the faces of all the people waiting when you just walk in and get service right away.

My reservation was at 11:45. I showed up at 11:42 and was told to go wait at some table with a group of other people.
Android doesn't make you wait man!!! Android wouldn't do that.
You want a picture of the Burger King? I'll walk down and take a picture of the ******n Burger King. An actual, ******n Burger King. Think I won't.
Do it!
I will stay up and wait for the photo
skip the glasses; there's an app for that:

Damn, You never realize how good you have it, Me Mrs 6pc, and Cajun and my sister went through probably 20 photos trying to help a woman determine if her yogurt was expired.


I have nothing real to ever complain about.
You di-int think I'd do it did you. Well I did. An actual picture of the actual ******n Burger King. In Saigon. Sa-sa-sa Saigon. N-n-n-n-nineteen, nineteen, Saigon, n-n-n-n nineteen.IMG_3433.JPG
You di-int think I'd do it did you. Well I did. An actual picture of the actual ******n Burger King. In Saigon. Sa-sa-sa Saigon. N-n-n-n-nineteen, nineteen, Saigon, n-n-n-n nineteen.View attachment 51512
Whoa..... Where do I find that song????
I remember being a kid and seeing a dude do some robotic dance to it on star search
My reservation was at 11:45. I showed up at 11:42 and was told to go wait at some table with a group of other people.
Android doesn't make you wait man!!! Android wouldn't do that.

You're right, with android if it ever breaks just pop in the cell phone shop and ask for another one. They fish another out of the promotional tablet bin and away you go. Although you probably spend more time fiddling with the slow, clunky, or randomly finicky device but hey, man no lines!
When I dropped my iPad I just brought it to some guy in the mall, fixed it for $100 or so.
Holy ****! No tablet? Doesn't the Cirrus BRS automatically deploy when no tablet is operating?
I don't have any real complaints but I am allowed to throw together a half-assed George Carlin-esk rant for fun now and then.

Always enjoyed Carlin... even now hearing the word kumquat makes me chuckle because of the 7 Words routine.
Ummm seriously... why would you go to the Apple Store for service?

Go to Microcenter or any other Apple Authorized Service Center who actually wants your business for other reasons, and you'll always get better service.

I've only ever gone to the Apple Store itself when I knew the result was going to be "they're going to hand me a new / refurbed device".

Plus any good alternative Apple service center will also know how to do "taboo" things like mount Samsung SSDs inside Apple machines if you're not into doing that stuff yourself. You see, they have no need to milk you for an overpriced Apple part number AND they'll happily tell Apple nothing "against the warranty" was done if the machine ever acts up with the Samsung drive in it or anything else they install.

The "Genius Bar" was cute when Apple was still starting to go mainstream, now it's just the second most annoying thing about the retail outlets behind the crowds themselves, morons buying Beats headsets thinking they're audiophiles. LOL.
This was the year. It's not my world anymore and that is fine. The kids can have it but don't get mad at me when I don't get all excited that your hair is finally long enough to but in some stupid ass man bun.

I avoided the apple craze for a long long time. I finally caved after my last android kept freaking out on me. Now Apple is all I will buy. I don't approve of their business practices, or the shills who camp out for the latest product. They simply work, and work for a long time so I will keep buying them.

In-out burger.... Made my first trip to a state that had one last year. Was all excited to try it, dealt with the crowd and guess what...... IT TASTE LIKE FREAKING WENDY'S BURGERS!!

I don't get the whole craft beer thing. You are paying double, sometimes triple, for a drink that in my mind taste bitter or chalky. I will stick to Yuengling.
Foreflight is really good. My friend gave me an iPad mini. When the ipad mini breaks, I will move over to any app that runs on Android. I just cant get over the iOS ethos.
I have Avare as my backups now and I get by with it just fine.
Remember, Bryan, the warranty expires at age 40. Welcome to middle age.
man buns and skinny jeans. way to represent, "guys".
You know, they just installed a ******n Burger King just down the street. An actual, freakin' Burger King. In Saigon. Seriously. A Burger King in Saigon. WTF. I **** you not.
It has been over 30 years since I was in Toky, but I remember standing on the corner at an intersection at Nishi Azabu and seeing 4 KFCs and 5 McDonalds and wondering WTF! But after about 5 weeks there I was starved for something, ANYthing American, so I ate at a McDs. It was awful, but there were some wonderful Asian babes in there.

At one point, I found myself in one of the western style toilets reading the damn toilet paper wrapping because it was written in English and I was starved for any familiar sensory sensation.