Questions for fellow pilots!


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 21, 2012
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Hey all! I am new here and I was wondering if you could all help me out with something.

First a little about me:

I'm currently a college student and I do have my private pilot's license. I'm currently in a class and we have to do a report about a culture that we belong to. I'm curious to know a little more about the pilot culture. If you guys would not mind answering a couple questions, that would be awesome! :)

1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

I may come up with a couple more questions later!!! Help a fellow pilot out and either PM me or post on this thread you honest answers!!! :)

Thanks guys!
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?


2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)


3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

Less than 2 years. But took a ground school course as far back as 1992. Fly between 2 or 3 times a month, on average.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Not any different than if I didn't have a pilot certificate so far as I can tell.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Some treat me like I must have a death wish or that I'm fiscally reckless. Others do not seem to change their attitude from when they didn't know.
1. It's a hobby that takes some skill, but I'm not into having a big head about it. Personally proud of the accomplishment but know full-well there are lots of better pilots.

2. Recreationally for enjoyment and travel.

3. 1991 and had an eight year break, since returning I try to fly weekly but it doesn't always work out. Real life stuff gets in the way. If you're looking for flight hours, it'll be over 100 by a significant margin this year. That's nothing compared to the pros.

4. Pilots tend to treat other pilots as friends without a whole lot of fanfare. I don't know why, but pilots are very nice people generally. Some of the. Some of the nicest people I've met over the years are pilots. Maybe just a sense of fraternity. I don't know.

5. Curiosity, maybe a small sign that it's a considerable commitment. They think I fly halfway across the country every weekend. They don't really get it. People may think it's "cool", but it's not really all that different from say, someone saying they fly fish every weekend, or waterski all summer. The interest from others seems more about the overall commitment level than anything. A rare few realize it's something they can accomplish and try a lesson.
If you ... would not mind answering a couple questions:

1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

No, but I do feel a severe sense of being broke
2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)
3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?
Since 1968. Used to fly 1-2 hours per week. Now, not so much
4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
Depends on the pilot. They are like other people. They generally treat each other with camaraderie, but a very large percentage have a definite ego problem that they like to display and flaunt; many walking around with chips on their shoulders
5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
Many first look at you in wonder and awe, then treat you like a normal person. Some, not all, assume that you are rich.

1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?
I take pride in my flying, but I wouldn't say that being a pilot makes me proud.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)
Both. Current profession is flight instructor.

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?
42 years and about 300-400 hours per year currently.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
Generally with respect for my experience and teaching.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
Respect just for being a pilot? No, not really. It's usually treated as just another unusual profession/hobby.
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride? I'm proud of myself for doing it. I can't say that I constantly feel a sense of pride because "I'm a pilot"

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?) Privately.

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly? I've got mine on 6/6/12. I currently fly about 4 times a week getting my instrument rating.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?) I'd say that most pilots treat other pilots with respect. I've worked the line and definitely been treated by pilots without respect, but it had nothing to do with me being a pilot.. just them being jerks.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?) I think they think it's cool. Most people don't understand how to become a pilot or what you can really do afterwards. It's not the norm like golf or something so I think people are sometimes intrigued. And they're confused because I'm not made of money haha.

Good luck, hope it helps.
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

I suppose. It doesn't define me though.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

Privately, but for business travel purposes mainly.

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

15 years, these days maybe 50 hours a year.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Pilots tend to treat each other with disdain and are condescending. That's not always true, but generally.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Most people thing it's a cool thing. Chicks don't really dig it as much as you might think though.
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

More from what it has allowed me to accomplish than from the fact that I have the ability.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

I fly privately now. I am a retired USCG aviator.

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

I began flying in 1977. I fly about 10-15 hours a month.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Just one of the boys.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Most have questions when they learn of my past career, and most have odd opinions about the reality of the world of SAR flying.
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?
Sure. It took alot of work. Being female I'm part of even a smaller portion of having a PPC in my wallet. It may make the difference when I'm looking for a new job.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)
Privately. I don't think I'd enjoy it as much if it was my profession

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?
Have it for almost 6 months. I try to get up at least 2x a month just to keep the rust off. I have friends who don't mind the cold so it's nice.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
Pretty good. It still seems like it "Boys club" where they don't expect that I'm the pilot in the plane. Especially when my husband and I go somewhere together? They always ask my husband "Really she flew you down here?" when he confirms they think it's pretty cool after that...

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
They think it's really cool but they have no desire to actually go for a flight with me. <Sigh> Proud of my accomplishment...but that's because they saw me through the process and all the frustrations of flight training,
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

~~~~ I'm proud of the fact that I persevered and completed my ratings. I feel a sense of accomplishment/satisfaction when I fly well or use something new that I have learned.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

~~~~ both, I use the plane for XC and fun and I am an independent CFI. Also, I am learning aerobatics for fun and precision control of my plane, hence the happiness when I manage something that I've learned :)

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

~~~~ I got my PP in 2005 and my CFI in 2011. I fly at least a couple times a week.
probably 300 hrs this year

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

~~~~. Like one of the group. I have not come across a pilot that has treated me like a jerk. I have come across some who don't realize I am a pilot if my husband is nearby. They assume he's the pilot and I am the "little woman" but they have always been nice. And when Kevin tells them, nope it's her plane I'm the line boy they always smile.
I live in Texas, maybe the sub culture of our area affects the ego jerkness that others have noted from other areas of the US.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

~~~ they tend to be surprised. I'm a short greying haired 56 year old woman, don't exactly fit the dashing captain pilot guy look. And sometimes the women have said, "oh, you mean you fly all alone? Aren't you scared?". Sometimes they just say it's cool and sometimes they ask questions. Depends.
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

I'm not going to lie. I am a bit proud of myself for having become a pilot. I don't feel better than anyone, but I doo feel like its a real accomplishment in my life. At one point in my life I was a high school dropout spending my free time smoking pot. I've turned that around and with a couple decades of work became an airline Captain. Yes, I'm proud of myself.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

Profession. Have flown for airlines, hauled freight and am presently a corporate pilot. The later is the best IMO.

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

I got my Private in 1995. Now I fly about 700 to 800 hours per year.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Pilots treat me as one of the group. It's a fraternity of sorts I guess. (on this forum not so much, but maybe that's a bed I made)

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Depends. Some don't care. Some are envious I think. But I don't think it's that big of a deal. I do know at work everyone bends over backwards for me and it can be easy to let it go to your head. FBOs most of the time spend a lot of effort trying to make sure I've got everything I could possibly want. Roll out red carpets and offer cookies and ask if there's anything I need. It's customer service on steroids. Any problem seems to get magically taken care of.

Hope this helps.
Hey all! I am new here and I was wondering if you could all help me out with something.

First a little about me:

I'm currently a college student and I do have my private pilot's license. I'm currently in a class and we have to do a report about a culture that we belong to. I'm curious to know a little more about the pilot culture. If you guys would not mind answering a couple questions, that would be awesome! :)

1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

I may come up with a couple more questions later!!! Help a fellow pilot out and either PM me or post on this thread you honest answers!!! :)

Thanks guys!

1. Sure, it's what I have always wanted to do since being a very little kid, so of course I'm proud of my job.

2. Profession, at least when I fly at work. I like to think that I fly fighters professionally and drink competitively :)

3. I began flying the day after the sept 11th flight restrictions were lifted in 2001. Got my private shortly thereafter, and other civilian certificates in the year or two after. Spent a few years in college not really flying much. Have been flying on the military side of the house since. I fly about 20 hrs a month right now, but that is because we aren't on deployment and aren't flying the same kind of hours as guys on cruise.

4. It's a brotherhood. My particular niche of this business is like a frat for grown ups, and a very thick skin is required, but we all look out for each other. As for other types of pilots, I enjoy learning about what's they do and I think that is generally mutual.

5. Most of them have really funny assumptions about my job, and I field a lot of entertaining questions. You get a lot of attention parking a single seat grey fighter jet at an FBO so that comes with goods and bad. I really enjoy bs'ing with other pilots and chatting about flying, and I love talking to kids and motivating them about this kind of stuff. I've always been obsessed with this stuff so it is fun to meet folks that share he same passion.
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

I am proud that I can fly on my own and everytime I fly I get a sense of pride. Flying gives me something good to think about even when I'm not flying so I like that.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

Privately- for fun

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

I've had my PPL since January 2012. I try and fly every other week. I'm just about to get over 100 hours total time since I started training last June.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Most people I've met in my time flying have been very helpful and nice. The other day I found out that someone I've known for years use to have a pilots license years ago. When I mentioned I had mine he said, " Welcome to the brotherhood." I think that's the feeling I get from other pilots. We known what it takes to earn your ticket.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Most people don't understand why I want to fly. They always talk about the risks. Some people think it is cool and want to fly with me but I don't think they view me any better as a result. I don't think most people can relate so they don't even know where to start web talking to me about flying so conversations don't last long.
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Hey all! I am new here and I was wondering if you could all help me out with something.

First a little about me:

I'm currently a college student and I do have my private pilot's license. I'm currently in a class and we have to do a report about a culture that we belong to. I'm curious to know a little more about the pilot culture. If you guys would not mind answering a couple questions, that would be awesome! :)

1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

I may come up with a couple more questions later!!! Help a fellow pilot out and either PM me or post on this thread you honest answers!!! :)

Thanks guys!

First post..:yes:

Welcome to POA....
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

- Sure. It's not something everyone does or can do, for that matter.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

- More professionally than privately lately unfortunately. First Officer on a 777.

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

- First lesson at 12. Private at 17. Been twenty years, more or less. Have around 10-11,000hrs. Professionally, fly anywhere between 300-1000hrs/yr depending on what fleet I'm flying.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

- I know so many pilots that it's no big deal to talk shop. Non-professional pilots are the same way. Just enjoy flying.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

- Respect? Anywhere from indifference to one lady told me her husband idolizes me. Not sure why, but I suppose it is a pretty cool to be able to fly. I've been doing it so long (I knew how to fly before driving) that I don't think twice about it. Most people focus on the airline portion and start with the usual have you hand an emergency, scared, is it dangerous etc type stuff.
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?
I'm proud of myself for accomplishing a goal I've had for a long time. I don't feel better than others, just lucky that I get to do something that most do not.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?
I've had my PPL for just over 2 months. Been flying for just over 6.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
I don't think other pilots treat me any differently, we just talk the same talk.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
Most think it's pretty cool. Some don't even consider it. Others think I'm nuts.
Hey all! I am new here and I was wondering if you could all help me out with something.

First a little about me:

I'm currently a college student and I do have my private pilot's license. I'm currently in a class and we have to do a report about a culture that we belong to. I'm curious to know a little more about the pilot culture. If you guys would not mind answering a couple questions, that would be awesome! :)

1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

I may come up with a couple more questions later!!! Help a fellow pilot out and either PM me or post on this thread you honest answers!!! :)

Thanks guys!

1. Yes I do. It's something that I've wanted to do for as long as I can remember! Family life and struggles didn't allow me to pursue my dream until I was 32 (just turned 47 yesterday). There were many factors that worked against me doing it. Overcoming the odds, I can't help but feel a sense of pride. Not arrogance though, because there are so many more skilled and knowledgeable pilots than I. I'm still a novice:wink2:

2. Privately, for fun.

3. Started flight lessons in 1998 at Million Air Flight School...KTEB (Teterboro, NJ). PP-ASEL 1999. Right now, I'm averaging about twice a month.

4. Most generally treat me with respect as a fellow pilot. Occasionally I get odd looks which kind of makes me feel like I'm from another planet:rolleyes2:.
Probably similar to the female pilots out there:lol:.
In general, I've always felt kind of out of place in aviation. In ground school, I was the only black student. At the airports, I rarely run into a black pilot and have only seen one or two on this board! Would I like to see more minorities in aviation? Of course, but in the long run, it never discouraged me because this is MY Passion:yes:

5. Most non-pilots act like they can't believe it, at first. Then after the shock wears off, they seem to have respect for my achievement. Some show an interest in knowing more about GA and what it took to become a pilot. Very few are interested in flying with me. Same with family members (one of my sisters do when she visits from LA). It's something that I've learned to accept, so whenever I do get a passenger, I'm delighted to share the experience and I do my best to leave a smile on their face!

There ya go. I'd be glad to answer anymore questions for ya.
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I'll bite...

1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?
Yes. NOT a sense of superiority; just pride that I set my sights on something fairly demanding, kept after it against difficult odds, attained my first goal, gave up flying then returned to it, and continue to seek new challenges in aviation. I don't expect anybody else to be impressed except me, and I am pretty impressed. It's a big deal for an easily-distracted master procrastinator like myself. :D

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)
Private pilot, SEL and glider, but very soon I'm hoping to earn my commercial glider privileges. Not considering trying to make a living giving glider rides (Hahahahahaha!!), but I will be able to fly for free whenever I have a paying passenger in the glider. Eventually, I want to instruct... seeing as how I'll probably never be able to actually stop working, that could be handy. Flight instruction is one of the few professions where an old geezer is usually not an object of scorn or pity.

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?
I survived my first check ride in 1997, and have never flown on any regular basis. Most of my flying now is done every other weekend or so, from April to November.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
That's an interesting question. I have found that in general, when pilots socialize, they are like workers in the same trade... conversation comes easy, as long as it's about flying. :D But so far I think pilots come in two flavors: those who would do just about anything for a fellow pilot who seems OK, no questions asked, no compensation asked for... and those who will be very nice to your face but mercilessly trash-talk you behind your back. :rolleyes2:

But the truly generous, courteous, sympathetic and humble pilots I have met far outnumber the others. I've never had anybody be dismissive with me because my aviation accomplishments are not as impressive as theirs. In fact, some of the most accomplished pilots I have met have been the most gracious and humble.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
The reactions vary, but here are some samples:

"Uh huh" (meaning they don't believe me)

"Wow!! Really?! That is SO COOL!!! I am impressed!" (all too rare, especially from the ladies)

"I've always wanted to try that!"

"Oh my god, that's really dangerous...those little things crash all the time... you must be crazy!"

"You can't just fly wherever you want, can you?"
Hey all! I am new here and I was wondering if you could all help me out with something.

First a little about me:

I'm currently a college student and I do have my private pilot's license. I'm currently in a class and we have to do a report about a culture that we belong to. I'm curious to know a little more about the pilot culture. If you guys would not mind answering a couple questions, that would be awesome! :)

1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

Yes. Becoming a commercial pilot (specially the instrument license for me) was the hardest thing I've ever done so there's certainly a sense of accomplishment there. Although as the years go on that pride is certainly fading.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

Just for fun.

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

Graduated ERAU with my commercial license in 2005. I fly a few times a year for fun.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Most of the other pilots that I talk to on a regular basis are private pilots so they kind of look up to me cuz I have more ratings but I think there is somewhat of a mutual respect among pilots just like there is among all professions.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

People are usually very impressed or surprised. Then I calm them down and tell them that pilots are just modern day bus drivers and that it's not the 1960s anymore.

I may come up with a couple more questions later!!! Help a fellow pilot out and either PM me or post on this thread you honest answers!!! :)

Thanks guys!

Answers above in bold.
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?
A little bit, I feel its a unique hobby that not everyone gets a chance to partake in.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?
A little over 11 years but I only have 310hrs. There was a large gap where i did not fly for a few years after my Grandfather died. Then I started up again and got my Instrument Rating, after I passed the check ride I did not fly again for 3 years. I don't know why but for me it kinda drained all the fun out of it.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
Never noticed any difference other than maybe telling some stories

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
Just a lot of questions. Flying is a great mystery to most people. They have all kinds of questions from operations to communication and regulations, etc..
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

I suppose. It doesn't define me though.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

Privately, but for business travel purposes mainly.

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

15 years, these days maybe 50 hours a year.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Pilots tend to treat each other with disdain and are condescending. That's not always true, but generally.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Most people thing it's a cool thing. Chicks don't really dig it as much as you might think though.

Surprisingly, we have quite a bit in common. #4 is spot-on at a couple of the local airports...but they're typically a lot more friendly at the smaller ones. You have to scratch your head at teh attitude of some of the CFIs half our age.
1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?

I suppose though it wears off after a while.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)

I do not pilot aircraft for work, though as part of my work I have various aviation responsibilities including crewing helicopters, procuring fixed-wing and rotor-wing flight services for projects and emergencies, and managing the aviation program for my unit. I think being a pilot helps me immensely in this regard.

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?

Since 2004. Some years have flown over 150 hours, other years nearly zero. Now averaging around 50-75 hours PIC.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

If by pilots you mean professional pilots, most wouldn't know I am one. When talking to pros at work I like to leave out my pilot background as an advantage in case they try to pull something :nono: :lol:

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)

Hmmm. Not really respect. Most people can't wrap their mind around it. I imagine it would be a similar reaction if I said I owned a submarine, or was born in Macau, or something. Though more than you would think react by saying how they had a [insert relative within the fifth degree of kinship here] who was a pilot.

It was different in Alaska where much more of the population had a connection to general aviation one way or another.
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1. Being a pilot, do you feel a sense of pride?
Not really. But I learned a long time ago when I was young so it seems normal to me. It would be like asking me if I felt a sense of pride in knowing how to drive a car.

2. Do you fly privately or is it your profession? (if its a profession, what is that profession?)
It's my profession. I currently fly corporate and charter.

3. How long have you had you pilots license and how often do you fly?
I got my private in 1977 and I probably fly about 400 hours/year.

4. How do other pilots generally treat you? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
At first with curiosity, then more or less like one of the guys.

5. How do people who are not pilots treat you after finding out that you are a pilot? (for example, do they treat you with a sense of respect or otherwise? Can you give an example?)
Surprise, more curiosity.

I may come up with a couple more questions later!!! Help a fellow pilot out and either PM me or post on this thread you honest answers!!! :)
How about you? Do we get to hear your answers to these questions? :)

A belated welcome to POA too!