Question for Henning.


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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What would you say your top... Um I don't know, let's say 59 favorite planes are? Or top 59 anything for that matter.

Please make each a separate post.
What would you say your top... Um I don't know, let's say 59 favorite planes are? Or top 59 anything for that matter.

Please make each a separate post.

PayPal me $100 and I'll even make the last one on the minute you want.
I'll babysit your kids for a night.

That's a deal!
I pay the Nanny a great deal more than that.
They will probably learn more from you.

I could just see my 7 yr old trying to explain the universe to me after a few hours w/ you. They are like sponges at that age.

Sadly, that too.
Man my little girl Burped mid-sentence the other day.

How excited she was that she "burped a word" :nonod:
You would have thought it was Christmas morning, she was so happy.
That's a deal!
I pay the Nanny a great deal more than that.
They will probably learn more from you.

I could just see my 7 yr old trying to explain the universe to me after a few hours w/ you. They are like sponges at that age.

And they are fun. Mom and granny freak out occasionally when they come home and the kids are jumping out of, or swinging from, the barn rafters into the haystack we we built.:rofl: But the kids usually don't bleed too much and I've got them all bandaged up by the time the folks get home.:lol: The kids never complain.;)

Between 6 & 11 they are the most fun, and you're right, they learn well because they haven't learned it wrong yet, and their brains have developed the ability to reason.
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Sadly, that too.
Man my little girl Burped mid-sentence the other day.

How excited she was that she "burped a word" :nonod:
You would have thought it was Christmas morning, she was so happy.

That must mean you're doing something right!
That must mean you're doing something right!

When young my brothers and I would have contests to see how high we could count while burping. Ah, the good ol' days. :D

And, oh yes, contests to see how many outgas events occurred from the other end. :yikes:
When young my brothers and I would have contests to see how high we could count while burping. Ah, the good ol' days. :D

And, oh yes, contests to see how many outgas events occurred from the other end. :yikes:

Out gas events! :rofl:

Did you light them on fire also? :rofl: :dunno:
Did you light them on fire also? :rofl: :dunno:

No, but a drunk friend of mine once did, in front of his wife and a large party of mixed company.

To this day she still uses that one as leverage when she needs it. :lol:
What would you say your top... Um I don't know, let's say 59 favorite planes are? Or top 59 anything for that matter.


...And, oh yes, contests to see how many outgas events occurred from the other end. :yikes:

Those were especially fun at the Thanksgiving dinner table!!

Four kids let it rip in perfect harmony...Grandpa loses his teeth, Grandma faints, and weird Uncle Gordon chimes in with his own toot and says "Oooh Yahhh"!!

Mom was never amused. Party poop.

Lighting farts.... Welcome to POA... And yes, I was bored enough to try it once... it works.
If I had a dollar for everytime I lit a fart on fire...

Well, that would be a weird job.
Oh God one of my best memories from training at Lackland AFB... The bay always stunk at night b/c of everyone having to inhale their food, etc. About 20 min after lights out I hear from one of the back top bunks.... Oh Oh Oh then a big fireball lifted up. Everyone that was still awake busted out laughing and within 20 sec an MTI busted in "What's all the noise!" then immediately yells "Good God who made that awful smell!"

Great times... Great times
Those were especially fun at the Thanksgiving dinner table!!

Four kids let it rip in perfect harmony...Grandpa loses his teeth, Grandma faints, and weird Uncle Gordon chimes in with his own toot and says "Oooh Yahhh"!!

Mom was never amused. Party poop.

The funny thing is, even to this day when I get together with my brothers, we start acting like this again. Our wives just LOVE that.