Price for 430 installed


Final Approach
Feb 27, 2005
West Coast Resistance
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Display name: life
1) What questions should I be asking as a prospective buyer WRT a Garmin 430 installed?

2) How many shekels would you, as a prospective buyer, be willing to part with for an installed Garmin 430? Let "fair and reasonable" be your guide.
is it going to be coupled to a GPS? or anyother radios?
Depends how much of a mess the previous avionics installations were, and how much time was spent cleaning up the old mess. Also depends on whether an existing CDI head needs to be replaced. I see advertised prices of around $10K installed, which I sure must be more like 11 or 12K on average in the end. I figure a good installation of a 430 would be worth about $8K in additional resale value.

To clarify, this would involve an existing installation in an aircraft I am looking to buy. The installation was bought and paid for by previous owner.
Richard said:
To clarify, this would involve an existing installation in an aircraft I am looking to buy. The installation was bought and paid for by previous owner.
Just a SWAG, but my guess is that it's probably worth $4-5K -- certainly much less than it cost new. Don't forget that it will cost you another $1.5K for the WAAS upgrade this Fall.

You might try running a VREF quote with a non GPS, say a KX-155 and then with a 430.
Richard said:
To clarify, this would involve an existing installation in an aircraft I am looking to buy. The installation was bought and paid for by previous owner.

I'm still a little confused, as usual.

Did you take possession of the plane with a 430 that is not installed and want a cash payment from the seller? If so I say get a quote from your radio shop. I expect it would be in $4000-5000 range.

Or did you agree to a price before the completed installation and want to know how much more to give him? If so I would use 1/2 to 2/3 of the cost somewere between $5000 and $8,000. Assuming IFR certification.

Jeff Oslick said:
I figure a good installation of a 430 would be worth about $8K in additional resale value.


Most folks won't pay this much for avionics. I wouldn't figure on recouping more than 50%.

ggroves said:
Most folks won't pay this much for avionics. I wouldn't figure on recouping more than 50%.


As I said, it depends on exactly what is included and the quality of the installation. The avionics is just one part of the equation when purchasing a plane, and you have to look at the value of the whole package. If the plane is otherwise a really good candidate, and has a good installation of the 430, including the proper IFR-certs and autopilot connection, I would rather pay $8K for it installed than go through the PITA of doing it myself and spending $11-12K on an otherwise equivalent airplane that didn't come with the 430.

430s are so common that it probably detracts value if you don't have one.
I think that an installed 430 would probably add $4-5K to the value of a light single engine airplane. Is that what you really wanted to know?
Ron Levy said:
I think that an installed 430 would probably add $4-5K to the value of a light single engine airplane. Is that what you really wanted to know?
Yes sir, that is exactly what I wanted to know.
When I did a VRef for my airplane (64 Mooney M20E), they listed the 430 as a 5K add to the book value. Most shops I have talked to about doing a 430 estimate 11K for the install with the indicator. There is one shop on ebay that is advertising $8900 for the install with indicator, but as with all such good deals there may be a catch. I'll probably call them though. I would love to add the Dynon, but it seems the experimental crowd gets all the good stuff these days. Jason