If you're reading within 75 feet of field elevation (which is essentially what adding .07 inches does) then the Aspen is generally considered legal per that mickey mouse book of selectively enforceable suggestions we call the AIM.
You'd have to get a static/altimeter/encoder/potato check to see if the aspen meets the technical tolerances described in Appendix E to Part 43 in pursuit of compliance with 91.411.
My opinion? It's an Aspen, so I default to "it's gonna eff me over" Lol. But since you didn't pay for it, it's a sunk cost in the panel. Technically the thing is showing correct enough, so you're good to go. If you're nervous about introducing a 10K box into a static system that requires checks every 24 months for legal IFR flight, then I recommend you stick with steam gauge only IFR birds. Welcome to the fallacy that electronic replacements don't require maintenance $$$. But again to be clear, that aspen is reading legal, so there's no issue here. Certainly none that would make me not proceed with an airplane purchase.