plane rentals in maine?


Filing Flight Plan
May 6, 2015
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First of all, I'd like to say hi! Ive been lurking a while, and decided to register finally lol. I have a quick question. I am a Private Pilot working on my instrument rating, living in Montana. My family live near Ellsworth, Maine ( next biggest/ notable towns/ cities are Bar Harbor or Bangor). I'm going to be there visiting them in August, and would love to rent a plane to take them up for a quick flight in either a 172 or DA40 if possible. Ive had no luck finding places that rent planes, so I'm hoping someone on here can offer some suggestions?

Hello from Bangor.

Try they're out of Bar Harbor and have 172s and Cirrus SR-20s for rent. Biplane and glider rides as well. Old Town doesn't do rentals any more that I know of and Bangor stopped their rentals a year or so ago when their insurance costs tripled for no reason. Augusta does rentals but they're pricey last I checked.

Umaine also has a flying club out of Bangor but requires some time with their instructor for rental. I rent Umaine's G1000 172 and if you want to do a little ride sharing then PM me.
Hello from Bangor.

Try they're out of Bar Harbor and have 172s and Cirrus SR-20s for rent. Biplane and glider rides as well. Old Town doesn't do rentals any more that I know of and Bangor stopped their rentals a year or so ago when their insurance costs tripled for no reason. Augusta does rentals but they're pricey last I checked.

Umaine also has a flying club out of Bangor but requires some time with their instructor for rental. I rent Umaine's G1000 172 and if you want to do a little ride sharing then PM me.

Thanks for the info! I talked to, they said they don't rent them to pilots to take on their own. I figured on some instructor time to get checked out, so thats not a problem. G1000 172 you say? niiiice!
Farther away, I am familiar with Maine Instrument Flight School at Augusta.
Beech Sport and Sundowners.
Thanks for the info! I talked to, they said they don't rent them to pilots to take on their own. I figured on some instructor time to get checked out, so thats not a problem. G1000 172 you say? niiiice!

If you want to go the UMaine route then They have a (very) used 152 and say they have a 172 but are trying to sell it and basically aren't really renting it. I believe they require a 1 hour flight review and then you're free to go.

They don't advertise it much but the forestry department of the university owns the G1000 172 and they rent it out to club members. So, if you join the club you can get checked out in the G1000 172 (about 5 hours IIRC if you're not familiar with the G1000, probably only 1 if you are familiar). The 172 is a REALLLLLY nice plane to fly (and dirt cheap).

As BillTIZ mentioned, Augusta is great and has a good selection, a little pricey but they will be your fastest way to get in the air.
Have you checked out They're a network of rental outfits that use a common checkout. Sounds right for your situation - get checked out wherever you are, then make a res with the FBO at your destination. #GenAvTourism
I just checked and there isn't a single airplane in the state listed as available on openairplane...