Plane down in Weeping Water, (Omaha)NE


Pattern Altitude
Jun 29, 2007
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I heard the pilot is hurt pretty bad...thoughts and prayers to him.This plane was just sold in LNK on last week ....a (prestine Luscombe ),,,,
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I would have thought there would be plenty of fields to set down in Nebraska. Best thoughts to the pilot, I hope he recovers all right.
I would have thought there would be plenty of fields to set down in Nebraska. Best thoughts to the pilot, I hope he recovers all right.

harvest has been delayed this year thanks to lots of rain (and snow)
I would have thought there would be plenty of fields to set down in Nebraska. Best thoughts to the pilot, I hope he recovers all right.

harvest has been delayed this year thanks to lots of rain (and snow)

Even if the field is harvested it is not always that easy to keep things level. The field could be pretty well torn up with lots of ruts.

But that is not germane to this landing. he obviously was landing in a corn field with corn still in it. That can cause problems. We had a CFI a couple of years ago near our airport set one down in the corn. I think he flipped too, but he and the student walked away. They were practicing engine outs for some reason when they pushed in the throttle the engine stuttered and I think failed or would not produce power. I forgot all the details. But long story short they ended up with an off field landing.
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They were practicing engine outs for some reason when they pushed in the throttle the engine stuttered and I think failed or would not produce power. I forgot all the details. But long story short they ended up with an off field landing.

Sounds like carb ice.