Pilot rescued...
Pilot rescued...
The survivor was located on the shore of Crillon Lake with a survival bag that allowed him to have dry clothing and the materials to start a fire.
Ross, you have flown over a good portion of SE AK and know there are not many places to do an emergency landing. I know the spots I would use if an emergency forces me to make an off field landing. Those spots are few and far between. Good chances you are going ditch in 45F water, not a very comforting thought.Smart man! I was flying over exactly that area just a few weeks back and thinking a lot about where I'd go if the engine quit. This will encourage me to move my dry bag to where I can much more easily grab it in a pinch...
Smart man! I was flying over exactly that area just a few weeks back and thinking a lot about where I'd go if the engine quit. This will encourage me to move my dry bag to where I can much more easily grab it in a pinch...
I hope this wasn't a hydroplaning jaunt gone bad...