PIREP: Oshkosh 2009


Line Up and Wait
Mar 13, 2008
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I hope I remembered the events in the correct order! LOL. So much going on and so little memory for chronologics. Hope you enjoy it!

Very nice Shane!!

Well written and a fun read, clearly you had a good time of it.

I'm working on fixing some of the pictures. I found 4 pictures that are absolutely not correct; one is even from Oshkosh 2008. I'm fixing them now
I hope I remembered the events in the correct order! LOL. So much going on and so little memory for chronologics. Hope you enjoy it!


My browser (IE) can't open the PIREP. Could you please post the URL instead of the shortcut and I'll see if I can see what's wrong.


All I could think of when reading this was WHY??? Why did you stop at DET? Why did you go to Signature to potty??? It was like watching a car crash, you know how bad it is but you keep reading. Why didn't you ask on here??? If you have to stop at DET, instead of Port Huron (much better) or VLL or PTK or any of the others... DO NOT go anywhere near Signature! There are bath rooms at the end of the hanger rows, not as clean but much better then dealing with Signature!
All I could think of when reading this was WHY??? Why did you stop at DET? Why did you go to Signature to potty??? It was like watching a car crash, you know how bad it is but you keep reading. Why didn't you ask on here??? If you have to stop at DET, instead of Port Huron (much better) or VLL or PTK or any of the others... DO NOT go anywhere near Signature! There are bath rooms at the end of the hanger rows, not as clean but much better then dealing with Signature!

I'm sure it was because she had to go... NOW ;)

(I couldn't resist...) :D
My browser (IE) can't open the PIREP. Could you please post the URL instead of the shortcut

Hi Jim, if you go to http://blog.otisair.com it'll be the first entry until something else "happens" and I write about it. Thanks and take care.

All I could think of when reading this was WHY??? Why did you stop at DET? Why did you go to Signature to potty??? It was like watching a car crash, you know how bad it is but you keep reading. Why didn't you ask on here??? If you have to stop at DET, instead of Port Huron (much better) or VLL or PTK or any of the others... DO NOT go anywhere near Signature! There are bath rooms at the end of the hanger rows, not as clean but much better then dealing with Signature!

LOL Missa - I have learned a valuable lesson Grasshoppa. I forget that I have the most valuable aviation resource sitting inside of POA and I didn't use it. Won't happen again. :rolleyes:
Jeeze, I was right there in the North 40 and I just missed everyone. Had to drink all that rum all by myself. Woe is me.
Jim it is just you. Both the shortcut and the link worked fine in IE, Firefox and Safari.

I agree, and I apologize for the hassle. I wasn't aware that my ISP (Wildblue Satellite :mad3:) didn't handle GoDaddy sites at all until my resident Windows Weenie and bunkmate told me about that.

Thanks for the help, gang, but we live so far out in the country they have to pipe sunshine in, and the only internet service we can get, other than dialup, is satellite.
