Piper Prebuy - Dallas

It is at DTO now but can be flown to others.
There is a really good guy on the field, Gary Haltom, Haltom Aviation Services. He is the A&P who provides services for the club @texasag93 and I belong too.

I will PM you his phone number.

If you need/want me to go visit the aircraft and provide photos and other details, hook me up with the seller and I'll do that for you. And I promise not to steal it away from ya....
I had Phillip Byrd in Grand Prairie do a pre-buy on my Cherokee 180. I was satisfied with his work.
Look at the air frame log books. Pictures can be texted or emailed. Look for sloppiness.

Then have a local pilot fly out and put their eyes on it. That saved me from a couple of had pre buy expenses.

After that, get an off field A&P to spend some time on it. If the off field A&P likes it, pay him (or her:rolleyes:) to do the pre buy.

Money will be spent. It is part of the process.

Good luck.