Pilotshop in New York City


Filing Flight Plan
Apr 5, 2013
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Sorry if this question has already been answered before, I didn't find the thread.

We'll spend some days in New York city next august. While the girls will go shopping around, my son and I would prefer go to other places and find a nice pilot shop in New York. If there is nothing good in NY we can imagine to go elsewhere in the area.

Any recommendation from you guys?

Thanks a lot
I don't think there are any in NYC itself... certainly not in Manhattan.
There's a couple of them at KFRG, which is not very far... also an excellent museum there (American Air Power Museum); worth a visit. There might be a pilot shop at KHPN, also.
French, you would be best off taking the day to go to the Intrepid Air and Space Museum as inorder to find a pilot shop your going to have to go way out of the city to FRG or HPN or somewhere else. There just really aren't any great options. I'm trying to think but I belive the best brick and mortar pilot shop is at LNS which is probably a 1 hour flight in a Cherokee from the NYC area. If you decide to go to Philly as we discussed before you can rent with a CFI and take a trip there as its only about .5 But NYC itself does not present any great GA options with in the city. At least non that I know of.
Thanks for all those precious information.

To summarize
- go to NY to visit Intrepid
- fly the Hudson River from KFRG
- go to Philly to visit Adam
- go shopping to KLNS pilotshop
- and finish the trip by visiting NASM in Washington

It's becoming more and more precise