A good physical exam by a physician that knows how to do it, will catch a lot of treatable disease, including disease that is not picked up on a blood test or imaging. Physical exam is a lost art, but if a physician is not doing a good exam, he or she is cutting corners, possibly due to time constraints, possibly financial, since a PE is not billable, but is not a mark of the best care. The real world, rectal exams are are a pain in the arse for the MD (pun intended), takes time, needs supplies, but can detect treatable prostate cancer, anorectal cancer, colon cancer, neurologic disease. A genital exam, endocrine problems, testicular cancer, in kids sexual abuse. A simple handshake can give an idea of circulation, heart rhythm with the finger over the radial artery, endocrine status, strength, a look with the naked eye into the face, lipid status, neurologic health, endocrine function, hair skin, rare disorders of copper metabolism. Physical exam is a lost art, those of us that trained before the CT scan are probably a dying breed. ONE CT scan is estimated to be a 1 in 2000 risk for developing cancer, probably higher with older scanner protocols. Some people want them for everything. Even for their kids which likely have higher odds of damage from the radiation. Notwithstanding, there probably are some creepy MD's out there, but in my opinion, I think the numbers are low. I don't know anything about the case being discussed, but just taken aback by those that think their Doctor is doing them a service by not examining them.
And just to reemphasis that said above, imaging can really miss a lot of significant cancers, and medical conditions, there are not blood tests that are reliable for many diseases. Plus false positive imaging and false positive blood tests can lead to harm and even death from more testing and interventions.