Pilot trip report to Bremen


Pre-takeoff checklist
Nov 3, 2014
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Trip report of our visit to Bremen. On our way we also saw the largest map of the world in the world.


Bremen airport

A trip report with pictures can be found here

Click here for my previous PoA trip report to Croatia
Nice ,glad your having fun,thanks for posting.
Great write up! My wife and I were overwhelmed by the history in London. The USA is just coming on 250 years, but your buildings (still standing in many cases) go back so much further than ours!
A city with a great history. One of the things it was known for was relative freedom back in medieval times, something the Grimm fable of the 'Bremen Town Musicians' alludes to. Now, freedom referred to the freedom to conduct business the way you pleased, not freedom to criticize the ruler :wink2:

Nice write up. I have to admit that I have been in Bremen several times but never flew there myself. When we had the PPL, we lived in Stuttgart and whenever we planned trips to the north, the weather sucked or the plane died on us...
