Pilot selling plane to smoke pot...

Shows what your parents will let you do if u clean your room!
Guessing maybe he might not have the best personality

No matter your hours and how straight and narrow you walk, if people don't want to be around YOU, you're hosed.
I knew someone who sold a very nice company so he could drink himself to death. He did. Just depends on what you want to fry your brain with.
Reminds me of American Beauty: "I am looking for a job with the least possible amount of responsibility".
This is a typical eBay trick. Another one is to list for an absurdly high price. Word gets around, the ad goes viral and they find a buyer.
Guessing maybe he might not have the best personality

No matter your hours and how straight and narrow you walk, if people don't want to be around YOU, you're hosed.

That's rude AND stupid. Think he amassed 9000 hrs by being a jerk around his clients? Where did you get your psych license?

"This message is hidden because James331 is on your ignore list." :nono:
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That's rude AND stupid. Think he amassed 9000 hrs by being a jerk around his clients? Where did you get your psych license?

"This message is hidden because James331 is on your ignore list." :nono:

Well if he's amassed 9000 hrs and none of the good, higher paying companies want to hire him, he's accident / violation / pria clean, the only other possibility is it's him.

So FlyingGriki ignored me because we have a different opinion, seems a little fragile to me :dunno:
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That's rude AND stupid. Think he amassed 9000 hrs by being a jerk around his clients? Where did you get your psych license?

Yes, you can amass 9000 hours and still be non-hirable. I flew with an airline captain that eventually lost his job because he could not keep his mouth shut.
Yes, you can amass 9000 hours and still be non-hirable. I flew with an airline captain that eventually lost his job because he could not keep his mouth shut.

So of course this MUST be the same situation.....
I imagine one can come up with just about any scenario to explain it. Maybe he was sick and tired of whiny people that only find their courage on the internet?
Still think jerks that rag on someone behind their back on the web never had the nuts to do it in person. They know they'd get their teeth kicked in. Now they can do it on a forum where they can be the big shots they never were, nor ever will be. Hence the value of the Ignore option.:yes:
Fortunately as my list grows the idiocy is reduced and only those with something of value to contribute are left...again, fortunately, there are many!
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Well if he's amassed 9000 hrs and none of the good, higher paying companies want to hire him, he's accident / violation / pria clean, the only other possibility is it's him.

I read it that the reason is with an ATP and 9,000 hours he has yet to find a good paying job. Then he look at his no account step-son and is thinking everything he knows is wrong.
I read it that the reason is with an ATP and 9,000 hours he has yet to find a good paying job. Then he look at his no account step-son and is thinking everything he knows is wrong.

He's got more hours than me, plus his CFI & A&P, I make good money, I know a few other guys who make the same or more compared to me.

I just don't know how he couldn't make at least 60k a year, based on what he wrote, if he puts his mind to it, shy of him just not being someone people what to work with.

But yeah, it also does appear it could all be BS or quazi BS and just a way to get people posting about his plane for sale, heck look at all us
First rule of the internet..

There are no rules.

And it lies. A lot. :sosp:
I have yet to meet an overtly stoner pilot. I think they're targeting the wrong demographic with this thing. Eh, more power to em. It gets people talking. :dunno:

I wonder how many ounces a cherokee trades for these days.
I have yet to meet an overtly stoner pilot. I think they're targeting the wrong demographic with this thing. Eh, more power to em. It gets people talking. :dunno:

I wonder how many ounces a cherokee trades for these days.

sigh...it's not about the pot. It's about how a life of careless abandon is apparently superior to a lifetime of ambition. Why try so hard to become successful when a lackadaisical life may bear equal return of contentment.
sigh...it's not about the pot. It's about how a life of careless abandon is apparently superior to a lifetime of ambition. Why try so hard to become successful when a lackadaisical life may bear equal return of contentment.

Looking around me here in Los Angeles, I think the hordes of Lebowskis are having wayyyyyy more fun than I am with my little ambitions. :D

Good on em. I can't idle peacefully anyway, so no point being bitter about the idlers. I do what I like, they do what they like, and we've enabled them to do it. I only get mad at tax time.

It does make hiring people take forever though. I wish I could put "Do you believe that you are owed a job? Y/N" on an app or something so I could weed out the 90% who show up to the job site for free cash and prizes from "the man", but who left their work ethic at home. :dunno:
LOL, I can't blame him, watering flowers at Home Depot can provide you a better life overall than aviation will with an entry age of 47. If you really like flying you get an ultralight.
I know a guy about that age, professional pilot, 747 cargo captain. He had a mild heart attack and was out about 2 years until he finally got his medical back. So he goes back to work for another year and then his company goes bust with no warning. Depressing situation to say the least, no seniority, no retirement, etc. He may also decide to join the Lebowski's.

The dude abides.
I'm going to hazard a guess that the seller cannot get a medical, for whatever reason, so if he isn't flying, he might as well smoke dope and water flowers at Home Depot.
Or he decided to check the BTDT box next to "pilot" and wants to move on.

But I'm guessing it's an attention-getting scheme.
I highly doubt company policies at Home Depot allow dopers to work for them.
I highly doubt company policies at Home Depot allow dopers to work for them.

I highly doubt those policies are strictly enforced, based on my observations.
I like to fly and I keep a CDL drivers license so I abstain from everything. You can't even drink one beer because the standard for CDL is lower.

But if I found myself sitting on the porch one day with no licenses or certifications and no money or job, I might just smoke my brains out too.

Tune in, turn on, and drop out. Be one of those crazy old grey long haired men we would see like at a Woodstock concert dancing around drunk and high with no shirt on. Loving everybody. You're my boy Blue! :lol:

I highly doubt company policies at Home Depot allow dopers to work for them.

Many ways to beat a pee test, and I saw in legalized states unless it's a DOT job now you can't ask about weed. That may or may not be correct in any/all affected states, just something I read on the Internet.
I highly doubt those policies are strictly enforced, based on my observations.

Why would they be? The job is not high risk or rocket science. You get a happy dedicated employee who s perfectly happy to water and talk to the plants.:lol: A smart boss knows what keeps people motivated.;)
Many ways to beat a pee test, and I saw in legalized states unless it's a DOT job now you can't ask about weed. That may or may not be correct in any/all affected states, just something I read on the Internet.

Like an employer needs a hot pee test to fire you? The leading cause of termination at these kinds of employers is attendance issues.
Why would they be? The job is not high risk or rocket science. You get a happy dedicated employee who s perfectly happy to water and talk to the plants.:lol: A smart boss knows what keeps people motivated.;)

I didn't imply that was a negative.