For reasons I don't understand I'm about to defend the Shorts 3-30 and 3-60. They look like the box other airplanes come in and they are slow, think Navajo speed, and they love runway, but . . . they are stable instrument platforms, and when you are hand flying at the end of a 16 hour duty day (old timey regs) that means a lot. They will carry as much ice as mother nature throws at them, and when you are flying the Great Lakes in winter that means a lot. They are simple to maintain and with a good MEL very high dispatch reliability, and when the out stations don't have maintenance that means a lot. They are excellent in turbulence, and when you spend your day dodging midwest thunderstorms that means a lot. The seats are comfy, and when you spend 12 hours a day sitting in it that means a lot. Are they flawed? sure. Are they ugly? Understatement. But they will always get you home, and that means a lot.