When I got my IR I was lucky enough (for SoCal) that the timing of my weeklong "accelerated" course was in line with a system that parked over much of California for a few weeks.. so I got to snag a ton of actual IMC in a steam gauge Archer. I got lucky again in the SR22 transition a few months later with similar weather and "got to" experience ice. Nothing serious (obviously) but enough to see just how fast it builds up, and how the TKS works
I felt pretty comfortable afterwards going IMC, as a result of this. BUT, to your point, in the last year or so I have had very little actual.. a few minutes here and there through a layer. I'm not sure about others, but for me the big thing with IMC is how much time I spend in it. I am okay following an a localizer and glide slope down to minimums, but I'd rather not spend my entire flight in the clouds. If the layers are thick and the blue sky tops are high then I'm generally not going to fly that day.. at least not currently. 1,000 OVC but tops at 3K.. fine, whatever. but 3,5 BKN, 4,7 BKN, 5,5 OVC with pireps report tops up at 10-12K.. yeah I'll skip that.. or just stay under it