Peanut Allergy - Desensitization


Lovetofly 2048

I have seen similar threads regarding food allergies, but I have not found a clear answer to my situation which is why I am posting.

I am mid 20's looking to change careers to start working towards becoming an airline pilot one day. I am aware of the need to obtain a 1st class medical to become an airline pilot.

Would I be eligible to obtaining a 1st class medical based on my history of having a Peanut Allergy described below?

- I was diagnosed with a Peanut Allergy when I was 4 when I had anaphylaxis due to ingestion (when we found out the first time).
- Since then I have diligently carried EpiPens and have not had any serious reactions or have had to use them since.
- In 2021 I completed Oral Immunotherapy to Peanuts - which I now am desensitized to eating multiple peanuts daily.

Current state July 2024:
-I am still desensitized to peanuts, I ingest them daily to maintain tolerance.
- I still carry an EpiPen with me diligently however still have never had to use it since I was 4 years old.
-To reach any form of severe allergic reaction to peanuts I would need to ingest a significant quantity of peanuts accidentally (like 8 peanuts) due to my built up tolerance.
-I have a strong relationship with my allergist who has known me since I was 4 and in our most recent discussion (July 2024), due to my tolerance, an accidental peanut reaction that would require EpiPen intervention would be highly unlikely.

I am looking to have a consultation with an AME after this, but I wanted to start with this thread to get any first opinions on my case. I appreciate the help in advance.