Part 135 Takeoff alternate


Pre-takeoff checklist
Feb 23, 2005
Paola, KS
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Got a question for the requirements for a takeoff alternate under 135.217. The discussion came up in class today what weather the takeoff alternate had to be reporting in order to use it - some believed only landing minima was necessary while others said that it must meet the requirements of an alternate airport, which for helicopters is 200 + DA/MDA and minimum of 1 mile. So it comes down to that airport having 400/1 (alternate airport mins) for weather or 200 1/4 (approach landing mins) assuming it is served by an ILS.

My understanding was always landing minimums, and this has been a question on past 135 rides with Feds that did not disagree. The FAR's do not spell this out specifically, though from the language it could be inferred that alternate mins are necessary. Utilizing alternate airport mins makes more sense, and honestly that's what I'd do real world whether the other was legal or not. If I need to use my takeoff alternate, something bad has happened that I need to land - I would like to be assured that I can and soon. Any other 135 guys out there know?
Laurie said:
some believed only landing minima was necessary while others said that it must meet the requirements of an alternate airport, which for helicopters is 200 + DA/MDA and minimum of 1 mile.
I think the minimums need to meet the requirements for an alternate airport. My reasoning is that the title of our ops spec that defines this (C055) is "Alternate Airport IFR Weather Minimums". It doesn't differentiate between takeoff alternate minimums and landing alternate minimums. Of course I'm sure you don't have the same ops spec because we are fixed wing only. Sadly.
Ok, so it IS ops specs specific rather than FARs. This is the issue with Era - they haven't given us the ops specs, well, only a few pages of them. It did specify in PHI's ops specs and at my prior 135 job that we could use landing mins. That clarifies, thanks you two!