Panel falls off in flight...

I find it interesting that the second link has a memo from the airline saying he did exactly what they want their capts to do - that "there was no way for them to tell that a panel had come off the plane" so he was "right" in continuing an overseas flight.

Um, well, he could have overflown the airport he had just left and had someone LOOK at the plane, couldn't he? Even if he was overweight for an immediate landing, he would have known what was what and dumped fuel if he needed to land!
I think one would have to check the CDL to see if the aircraft could be operated with that panel remove. Greg?
I think one would have to check the CDL to see if the aircraft could be operated with that panel remove. Greg?

I would say you are correct. If that is an actual picture of the panel in question, that is a hell of a big hole it left. I can't imagine that NOT making a lot of noise and vibration.

We had a similar occurrence happen at our place on a 777 out of IAD. In that case, the panel was like 5 feet wide and 15 feet long. No doubt about returning on that one.
It's been a long time since I'v been around a 767 but I believe that ACM bay door is hinged on the inside edge. I can't remember if it is secured with captured screws or by quick release fastners. At any rate the panel does not appear to have been secured prior to take off. If that was the case than some one missed it on the walk around prior to dispatch, Either the flight crew or the mechanic or both. Stuff does happen. As far as it being a large panel and maybe not dispatchable under the CDL, you would be surprised what can be missing. We had a 747 with a main landing gear door damaged in Honolulu. Per the CDL we removed the door and flew a revenue flight non-stop to St. Louis. I would guess if the panel hadn't departed the aircraft the crew would have returned.