Our Collective Memory- I guess it's down to this...


Management Council Member
Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler
In an article published in the Dallas Morning News, about the donation of artifacts to the Dallas Holocaust Museum, the author/editors felt compelled to include this:

The Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933 and believed that Jews were inferior. They eventually killed about 6 million Jews, most of them during World War II.

I know it is said that those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it (noted with apologies for the inevitable mangling of the original prose). Still, to see the printed proof that our collective memory no longer routinely includes this most fundamental piece of history... it hurts the soul.

The forgetfulness is disturbing. History is always something that people forget about quickly. Just ask you average American about the Killing Fields as an example.

But what is even more disturbing to me are the people like Raquel Baranow. She is a Holocaust denier. http://www.666ismoney.com/HolocaustAds.html

It is forensically impractical or impossible to exterminate millions with louse disinfestant (hydrogen cyanide gas)
or diesel exhaust as alleged by malicious "witnesses" or tortured confessors. There are no written orders for
extermination. Aerial reconnaissance photographs of the concentration camps show no smoke and flames
belching from the crematoria and pyres as alleged. The photos and records show there was not enough coke or
crematoria to cremate millions of corpses. The "witnesses" and confessors lied about how many minutes it takes
to cremate a corpse. Diesel exhaust does not contain significant amount of carbon monoxide to kill a human. If
the Nazis wanted to kill millions they could have driven the coal fired train into a tunnel or quonset hut and gassed
'em with the exhaust from the locomotive or used the exhaust from the crematoria. At Auschwitz, during a typhus
epidemic, up to 300 people died per day, hence the crematoria, shaving of heads and requisitions for tons of
Zyklon B louse disinfestant. HCN is a very dangerous, impractical, messy method for extermination.
Very sad and sickening :mad::mad::mad:
Having visited Dachau, it is not something I'll easily forget.
In an article published in the Dallas Morning News, about the donation of artifacts to the Dallas Holocaust Museum, the author/editors felt compelled to include this:

The Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933 and believed that Jews were inferior. They eventually killed about 6 million Jews, most of them during World War II.

I know it is said that those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it (noted with apologies for the inevitable mangling of the original prose). Still, to see the printed proof that our collective memory no longer routinely includes this most fundamental piece of history... it hurts the soul.

Ever watch Jay Leno do Jay walks? A lot of people don't have a clue about things are happening NOW.

I think that blurb is also more than a little off. The Nazis killed Jews because Adolph Hitler led the spewing of hate and propaganda that Jews, yes, as an an alleged "inferior race," were the source of all of Germany's troubles - real and imagined.

But hey, what was up with Paula Abdul screwing up on American Idol? EVERYBODY knows about that! :mad:
What did Paula do? :rolleyes:

I'm amazed that all of the networks and cable channels cover American Idol like it was a news event. It's a fricking Fox reality show, people. I've never seen any more than a remote clicks worth.

I gather from seeing a report on Today, Paula told a dude he didn't have feeling on his second song, only he only sang one song on air. OOPS. She said she heard the other song during his rehearsal, which sorta shows that maybe the contest is as real as reality TV isn't.
I'm amazed that all of the networks and cable channels cover American Idol like it was a news event. It's a fricking Fox reality show, people. I've never seen any more than a remote clicks worth.
The networks made the news divisions part of the entertainment divisions
The purpose of all commercial news media is to generate revenue. The way they generate revenue is by attracting people to watch/read/listen to their stories, then stick around to watch/read/listen to the advertisements.

The way to attract the largest number of people is to depict something that gets the glands engaged - incite anger, fear, joy, sadness, or another strong emotion. Anger works best, and fear works well too. When the glands get pumping, the joint gets jumping!

Now you know why the news is generally bad, why they feature stories on a $200 ashtray and not on the people helped by general aviation, and why talk shows and reality tv are popular.
I'm amazed that all of the networks and cable channels cover American Idol like it was a news event. It's a fricking Fox reality show, people. I've never seen any more than a remote clicks worth.

Fox covers it because the hype drives people to watch the show. Same thing with CBS and Survivor. It's all about "marketing". Essentially, it's free promotion (or as the media folks call it "cross promotion").

The purpose of all commercial news media is to generate revenue. The way they generate revenue is by attracting people to watch/read/listen to their stories, then stick around to watch/read/listen to the advertisements.

The way to attract the largest number of people is to depict something that gets the glands engaged - incite anger, fear, joy, sadness, or another strong emotion. Anger works best, and fear works well too. When the glands get pumping, the joint gets jumping!

Now you know why the news is generally bad, why they feature stories on a $200 ashtray and not on the people helped by general aviation, and why talk shows and reality tv are popular.

It's a bit more than that.

The biggest hype comes during Sweeps months - Feb, May, November. Advertising rates are set based on the ratings generated during Sweeps. Hence, you see more news programming intended to generate big viewer upticks during those months than any other. Not that any other is particularly good....

As Tim says, people like to watch a train wreck, even if they claim otherwise.
Fox covers it because the hype drives people to watch the show. Same thing with CBS and Survivor. It's all about "marketing". Essentially, it's free promotion (or as the media folks call it "cross promotion").

My point is, yeah, CBS "news" and talk shows will talk to "Survivor" winners and rejects, but with "American Idol" ALL of the networks will cover a Fox show, when they have shows competing against it in the same time slot.

Remember when Johnny Carson would say, "from (show) on another network..." as in they didn't want to promote the competiton? Of course, that was in the high ratings 3 network days.

I'll take your insight. Idol has huge ratings and they other shows want to tap into those sheeple. Still, sad, sad, sad.
My question is, does anyone really watch TV news anymore? I stopped about three years ago. I could not stomach it any longer. All of my news is from papers, magazines and the Internet
The forgetfulness is disturbing. History is always something that people forget about quickly. Just ask you average American about the Killing Fields as an example.

But what is even more disturbing to me are the people like Raquel Baranow. She is a Holocaust denier. http://www.666ismoney.com/HolocaustAds.html

Very sad and sickening :mad::mad::mad:

The worst part about this, Scott, is that if it weren't for the fact that I knew better, it could be a plausible explanation of what happened....which means there are a lot of people that agree with her, just based on the fact that they heard about that first :(

I hope Raquel Baranow rots in hell.
My question is, does anyone really watch TV news anymore? I stopped about three years ago. I could not stomach it any longer. All of my news is from papers, magazines and the Internet

My dad still watches Fox News, and gets very upset when I point out the idiocy of some of the crap they spew.

Not that the other channels are better, but I at least want him to realize that Fox is not "right" while the others are just plain biased.
My question is, does anyone really watch TV news anymore? I stopped about three years ago. I could not stomach it any longer. All of my news is from papers, magazines and the Internet

I don't watch TV news or commentary shows. My bull****-o-meter burned out years ago.