Other uses for Google Maps


Pattern Altitude
Oct 24, 2007
Fontana, CA
Display Name

Display name:
Fox McCloud
Many local assessors are using them also for planning raids... Raids on our local tax bills. They've started using them to identify illegally installed pools and out buildings and charging for them.
Aerial surveillance isn't just the province of the armies any more.
Many local assessors are using them also for planning raids... Raids on our local tax bills. They've started using them to identify illegally installed pools and out buildings and charging for them.
Aerial surveillance isn't just the province of the armies any more.
Well, if you don't plan ahead enough to camouflage your illegal pool, what do you expect! :D
Many local assessors are using them also for planning raids... Raids on our local tax bills. They've started using them to identify illegally installed pools and out buildings and charging for them.
Aerial surveillance isn't just the province of the armies any more.
Counties have done aerial surveillance for tax purposes for years, since the early 1980s at least. Only they did it using photographs taken from airplanes.
Many local assessors are using them also for planning raids... Raids on our local tax bills. They've started using them to identify illegally installed pools and out buildings and charging for them.
Aerial surveillance isn't just the province of the armies any more.

There's a line somewhere between the tax man sending letters and a standing army sending troops WRT using 3rd party intel as a primary data source. Next we'll see WWIII start all cause of a Google Maps data error.

If Google moved my property line into the next yard you wouldn't see me raiding neighbor's persimmon tree.
Counties have done aerial surveillance for tax purposes for years, since the early 1980s at least. Only they did it using photographs taken from airplanes.
They still use planes and helos out here, but for tagging poorly kept pools for mosquito control. When the economy tanked a bunch of pools were no longer maintained. Turns out a few hundred gallons of perpetually standing water is like a mosquito factory.