Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going?

I thought SA was South Africa— is it some place in Australia?
kangaroos, monkeys, whatever they got down there will work!*

*and yes, SA is south africa and yes for some reason although I was saying SA, in my mind was thinking australia. prob because I'm stoopid.
kangaroos, monkeys, whatever they got down there will work!*

*and yes, SA is south africa and yes for some reason although I was saying SA, in my mind was thinking australia. prob because I'm stoopid.

To be fair, SA is a state in Australia too.
None of us homebuilders will care. That said, the folks who run the marshaling/parking, on the other hand....... They have a busy job and after being out there all day sometimes their sense of humor tank can be on empty. A few years ago I stopped short of the parking line in HBP because I like to manually pull forward the last 2 feet as I put plates under my wheels. When I shutdown and opened the door the guy lit into me for not following his directions to pull all the way forward. I explained what I was doing and he just left in huff. However, there's a hardstand by the HBC pavilion off taxiway P that becomes home to all sorts of non-E-AB aircraft during the show.

Speak for yourself, I spent a lot of time building my homebuilt and want to talk to other homebuilders, the last thing I want to see is HBC getting over run with North 40 folk because of the prime location. HBC is sacred to a lot of people and a right of passage to many. One or two, we won't say anything (just judge in silence lol); dozens, voices will be less silent.
Speak for yourself, I spent a lot of time building my homebuilt and want to talk to other homebuilders, the last thing I want to see is HBC getting over run with North 40 folk because of the prime location. HBC is sacred to a lot of people and a right of passage to many. One or two, we won't say anything (just judge in silence lol); dozens, voices will be less silent.
Ok then, noted — I’ll speak for myself and a few others that I’m 100% sure don’t give a hoot if they have to park non-experimentals in HBC/HBP. Spoiler alert — I know for a fact they have before because I’ve seen them and I’m not talking about the ones that get parked on the hard stand at the end of Papa next to the pavilion.
Ok then, noted — I’ll speak for myself and a few others that I’m 100% sure don’t give a hoot if they have to park non-experimentals in HBC/HBP. Spoiler alert — I know for a fact they have before because I’ve seen them and I’m not talking about the ones that get parked on the hard stand at the end of Papa next to the pavilion.
I would agree with the underlined. I have seen it too. My main point was that if it ever becomes a free for all with no checks it would not be good in the long run and that exceptions often don't end at exceptions. :)
I would agree with the underlined. I have seen it too. My main point was that if it ever becomes a free for all with no checks it would not be good in the long run and that exceptions often don't end at exceptions. :)
I do like the fact that there are separate parking areas for specific categories, and don’t condone a free-for-all first come first serve system, but I’m also not opposed to accepting overflow. The original question was about masquerading as E-AB and I still think if the marshallers allowed it most folks in HBC/HBP really wouldn’t care.
Speak for yourself, I spent a lot of time building my homebuilt and want to talk to other homebuilders, the last thing I want to see is HBC getting over run with North 40 folk because of the prime location. HBC is sacred to a lot of people and a right of passage to many. One or two, we won't say anything (just judge in silence lol); dozens, voices will be less silent.
I wonder what the percentage of those parking in homebuilt are actually the builder? Possibly at that particular event it’s quite high. Generally speaking, I think it’s quite low. Even in my EAA chapter, we have lots of builders but few own the aircraft they built.
I wonder what the percentage of those parking in homebuilt are actually the builder? Possibly at that particular event it’s quite high. Generally speaking, I think it’s quite low. Even in my EAA chapter, we have lots of builders but few own the aircraft they built.
Ya I think you are correct. My EAA chapter has very few builders, at Osh though, it seems almost everyone I talk to was the builder. Still a lot of non-builders there for sure though
About a month ago, I was number #238 on the wait list for a Dorm Room at UWO. Yesterday my number was up and I was booked in an A/C Room there.

I rushed out and bought a lottery ticket.....and lost.
I really want to go, but our Plane is in Maintenance right now, and the lead-time on repair will probably miss Oshkosh.
I'll be there all week! Every year since 2006. (Day trips in 2005 and 1987.)
Serious question.

I plan to fly the Comanche in on Staurday.
I really want to put the "Home Built Parking" sign in my window.
Will those people get a laugh at having a 61 Piper amongst the RVs and Slings or will it **** them off?
I would guess that a lot of people who are walking around would laugh.

I am certain that a significant percentage of people who work hard marshalling, parking, and doing security will be really ****ed. Some folks there have a sense of humor that makes the FSDO guys look like comedians if you know what I'm sayin... And certainly, nobody's sense of humor is at its best after dealing with thousands of people on your feet in hot, humid weather. So, I wouldn't recommend it for taxi. Besides, you're vintage. Park in Vintage, and then put the HBP sign in the window, and you'll only get laughs. :) I know I laughed pretty hard when the B-52 in Boeing Plaza a few years ago had a Vintage sign on it!
Would I be violating any actual regs if I printed out a giant "Experimental" sticker and put it on the side of the plane?
I think the reg probably* says something to the effect that an experimental aircraft must have the experimental markings. However, I'm not aware of a reg that says a non-experimental aircraft may not wear those markings.

That said: * I didn't look.
Coming this year! All the way from SA - once in a lifetime trip - can. Not. Wait.
Up until the last couple of years I was always camped near the South African compound - I'm presuming you'll be traveling as part of that group? They *definitely* have a lot of fun. And I'll also warn you that after you're done, you may find that it's no longer once in a lifetime and you have to come back as many times as possible. :) I know/knew ( :( ) people who would come every year or two from NZ, SA, and other faraway places.
WX depending, I'm thinking of getting there Saturday morning, and leaving either Monday after the airshow, or Tuesday morning.
Question regarding definition of parking vs / camping.
I am staying at an airbnb offsite. So I plan to park in vintage parking.

If I am not technically camping, am I allowed to erect a shade tent near my plane during the day while I am there so we have some shade for chilling and drinking beers watching the airshows?
I don't know if there is a no tent rule in the parking area. Or are parking and camping the same location, 1 just pays for sleeping by the plane? I could use some clarification.

I really want to go, but our Plane is in Maintenance right now, and the lead-time on repair will probably miss Oshkosh.
We drove to Oshkosh several years as my plane was being restored after the engine failure.
Question regarding definition of parking vs / camping.
I am staying at an airbnb offsite. So I plan to park in vintage parking.

If I am not technically camping, am I allowed to erect a shade tent near my plane during the day while I am there so we have some shade for chilling and drinking beers watching the airshows?
I don't know if there is a no tent rule in the parking area. Or are parking and camping the same location, 1 just pays for sleeping by the plane? I could use some clarification.
From what I can find on the EAA Forums, it seems there is no difference unless you're North of the Hangar Cafe, which you won't be. We're supposed to put a tag on our tents, but I've never put one on mine and have had no issues.
I'm looking for a spot to overnight close-ish to OSH on Friday the 19th. I was thinking of MSN, but one of the mass formation flights is departing from there for OSH the morning of the 20th, and I don't want to get caught up in that CF. JVL seems like it might be a good option. Can anyone suggest somewhere else that isn't obvious to me? I'm coming from the east, and planning on hooking around the south side of the Chicago B.
I'm looking for a spot to overnight close-ish to OSH on Friday the 19th. I was thinking of MSN, but one of the mass formation flights is departing from there for OSH the morning of the 20th, and I don't want to get caught up in that CF. JVL seems like it might be a good option. Can anyone suggest somewhere else that isn't obvious to me? I'm coming from the east, and planning on hooking around the south side of the Chicago B.
DeKalb seems to be a common stop.
I'm looking for a spot to overnight close-ish to OSH on Friday the 19th. I was thinking of MSN, but one of the mass formation flights is departing from there for OSH the morning of the 20th, and I don't want to get caught up in that CF. JVL seems like it might be a good option. Can anyone suggest somewhere else that isn't obvious to me? I'm coming from the east, and planning on hooking around the south side of the Chicago B.
KUNU worked well when I had to divert for the night trying to get into KOSH in 2018. Lots of people in the same boat and a quick flight in from there.
I'm looking for a spot to overnight close-ish to OSH on Friday the 19th. I was thinking of MSN, but one of the mass formation flights is departing from there for OSH the morning of the 20th, and I don't want to get caught up in that CF. JVL seems like it might be a good option. Can anyone suggest somewhere else that isn't obvious to me? I'm coming from the east, and planning on hooking around the south side of the Chicago B.
02c capital drive is in the western suburbs of Milwaukee, walkable to Culver’s, Uber to hotel, can pitch a tent if you want.
From what I can find on the EAA Forums, it seems there is no difference unless you're North of the Hangar Cafe, which you won't be. We're supposed to put a tag on our tents, but I've never put one on mine and have had no issues.
Vintage has been steadily removing the parking-only area. That's a good thing in my opinion. I've been complaining to the parking guys and the board ever since I started parking down there.
There are a couple of rows only reserved for parking only, where it used to be nearly everything on the runway side almost to the Ultralight area.

I would recommend you do put your camping credentials up somewhere. Security DOES come and check in Vintage (primarily in the prime camping areas).
We drove to Oshkosh several years as my plane was being restored after the engine failure.
The main issue, for me, is not the driving is that the Airplane campground seems to be Much Nicer than Camp Scholler. Last two years I was airplane camping and it seemed fine.

Seriously when I visit camp Scholler, it seems like refugee camp , like you see in all the wartime footage on evening news.

Especially since I’m taking my family with 2 kids, the youngest being only 7.
Probably be okay if I can get early enough to get a campsite near the Red Market / Playground.
The main issue, for me, is not the driving is that the Airplane campground seems to be Much Nicer than Camp Scholler. Last two years I was airplane camping and it seemed fine.

Seriously when I visit camp Scholler, it seems like refugee camp , like you see in all the wartime footage on evening news.

Especially since I’m taking my family with 2 kids, the youngest being only 7.
Probably be okay if I can get early enough to get a campsite near the Red Market / Playground.
Wait til you show up later and get stuck camping with your plane in the South 40, with a 2 mile walk each way or a 30 minute wait on a bus ride.
I as POA “newbie” (see join date/post count) will be there all week, I was able to meet a lot of you at camp bacon last year, and told those that I met I would start posting here. Well does 11 months later count? lol.

But I am looking forward to my second airventure and hopefully running into some of you again!
Seriously when I visit camp Scholler, it seems like refugee camp , like you see in all the wartime footage on evening news.
Depends where you camp. In my case, I camped with our local EAA chapter and it was a nice little hive of folks and did breakfast with them before heading out for the day.

Now since I volunteer hundreds of hours, plane or not, I camp in our volunteer enclave (the row of trees behind the Hangar Cafe).
Now since I volunteer hundreds of hours, plane or not, I camp in our volunteer enclave (the row of trees behind the Hangar Cafe).
I always wondered what that area was! Looks very nice in the shade of the trees! I'm a volunteer, but I camp with my plane.
Serious question.

I plan to fly the Comanche in on Staurday.
I really want to put the "Home Built Parking" sign in my window.
Will those people get a laugh at having a 61 Piper amongst the RVs and Slings or will it **** them off?
I'm imagining this with a series of cards.

Marhsaller says NO
I built it
Marhsaller says NO
No, really
Marhsaller says NO
Sigh, ok, VAP
I'm going up with a gaggle of +/- 4 airplanes. Some of us have several options for parking, while others are GAP. We would like to camp together.

Would it be better to meet nearby, arrive as a flight, taxi to GAP, and park there? Of should we all park wherever and meet/camp in Scholler?

One permutation: if my buddy gets his Twin Beech C-45 fixed, the main group of 5-6 will arrive on that, park at Warbirds, and camp in Warbird camping. I might park my aircraft in the IAC area. Can I camp with my friends in Warbird camping if I did not arrive with them?

Seriously when I visit camp Scholler, it seems like refugee camp , like you see in all the wartime footage on evening news.

Depends where you camp. ….
This was my experience, I was all the way down by the last shower house in scholler last year, and I rode my bike past an awful lot of half a million dollar+ rigs to get to my pickup with an air mattress in the bed. So the refugee camp comment may have been directed at my site specifically… lol!
This will set a new personal record for me of 65 missed Oshkosh in a row.!!

And no, there is nothing wrong with Oshkosh at all. I just don't like crowds and I prefer going places where no one else goes.

I do enjoy everyone's pictures, so please take pictures and post.!!
This will set a new personal record for me of 65 missed Oshkosh in a row.!!

And no, there is nothing wrong with Oshkosh at all. I just don't like crowds and I prefer going places where no one else goes.
Me too. Want me to come to wherever you end up camping and do my forum presentation just for you? :D