Crummy picture, but this happened right in front of me this morning as we were trying to leave. We had just crossed P2 (show center) in the conga line of planes trying to leave at about 0900 taking off 18R. I just happened to look up in time to see a v-tail Bo in a hard left descending turn pointed almost straight at me. I reached over and hit my son to look just as it slammed into the deck left wing down, it then bounced up into the air about 50 feet or so, still in a left turn, but now headed down 18R, at which point I could also see its left main swinging loosely. It landed another 500’ or so down the runway and slid to a stop another 1500’ or so down. I’m guessing he was aiming for the blue dot, but realizing he had overshot it (length wise, as well as the rwy) tried to force it down and broke the left main in the process, before bellying it in further down the runway. Pretty crazy to watch and had to have been scary to be on board. Haven’t heard if there were any injuries. Surely someone got some video of it and it’ll turn up.