Oshkosh 2011 Photos


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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My first real outing with the Sony A55. It seems to have done the job with the 70-300 lens for the zoom stuff, and the stock kit lens for the wide angle stuff.

I'll keep adding to this Set on Flickr... but there's 300+ already. Culled from the oh... few thousand I took. :rofl: I'm only about halfway through the pile.


They're still uploading as I type this, and I'll keep adding to the set as I have time to continue sorting...

The "slideshow" feature on Flickr is fun with a set this big.
My first real outing with the Sony A55. It seems to have done the job with the 70-300 lens for the zoom stuff, and the stock kit lens for the wide angle stuff.

I'll keep adding to this Set on Flickr... but there's 300+ already. Culled from the oh... few thousand I took. :rofl: I'm only about halfway through the pile.


They're still uploading as I type this, and I'll keep adding to the set as I have time to continue sorting...

The "slideshow" feature on Flickr is fun with a set this big.

The AT-6 in DSC0254 belongs to a good friend of mine. I flew him to Agusta GA last year to check the plane out before he bought it.
The AT-6 in DSC0254 belongs to a good friend of mine. I flew him to Agusta GA last year to check the plane out before he bought it.

Cool. He probably has billions of photos, but if he wants the full-sized RAW or JPEG, just tell me how to get it to him.
Cool. He probably has billions of photos, but if he wants the full-sized RAW or JPEG, just tell me how to get it to him.
I'll point him at it. That's a pretty good picture with him at the controls.