OSH11 iPad/iPhone app available

It also works on an iPod Touch... got it yesterday. And it's FREE! :D
Awesome app. Installing it crashed my iPad, but a reboot fixed everything.

To have the NOTAM, site map, and all the vendors locations in one app is terrific.
It looks good. Now, if they'd just integrate the maps of booth locations with the exhibitor list, and highlight the ones you've starred! Also, if they'd put the movies in the event schedule! :) Hey, I'm free and loose with suggestions for others to implement!

BTW, I also saw the Brietling air race app while looking for this one. Neat!
Narco is still listed as an exhibitor. Wonder who'll be in that space?
Narco is still listed as an exhibitor. Wonder who'll be in that space?
Dunno. I also note that Patty Wagstaff isn't listed as flying in any of the airshows, either in the app or on the site, though she is still listed as a performer.