OSH report - this thing is HUGE


Touchdown! Greaser!
Aug 4, 2007
Waukesha County, WI
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When I saw pictures of this airplane before today it looked photoshopped to me. But I saw it land at AirVenture today, and it STILL looked freekishly photoshopped, even while it taxied with the right wing right above me! It landed on 36R and made it to A2 taxiway (I think), which is the entrance to the AeroShell Square - that couldn't have been much more than a 5,500 - 6,000 ft. landing roll. Impressive.



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the amazing thing about oshkosh though is that even the big planes are somewhat dwarfed by the crowd.
I'd like to see it get off the ground. It looks like it has a water-weight retention problem.
nice turnout. I'm in row 63 near hanger café. bring beer. :)
I saw a sign the other day: " Lobster tail and Beer". I couldn't believe it all three of my favorites. Bob :D
When I saw pictures of this airplane before today it looked photoshopped to me. But I saw it land at AirVenture today, and it STILL looked freekishly photoshopped, even while it taxied with the right wing right above me! It landed on 36R and made it to A2 taxiway (I think), which is the entrance to the AeroShell Square - that couldn't have been much more than a 5,500 - 6,000 ft. landing roll. Impressive.


What is that for?
What is that for?

I went to OSH again today, and according to the program, the Dreamlifter can hold more cargo than any other airplane in the world. Greg is right in its purpose - it was meant to cut delivery time from 30 days (via marine shipping) to 1 day. From where to where I don't know.
Nagoya, Japan, and somewhere in Italy to Charleston, SC and on to Everett, Washington
When I saw pictures of this airplane before today it looked photoshopped to me. But I saw it land at AirVenture today, and it STILL looked freekishly photoshopped, even while it taxied with the right wing right above me! It landed on 36R and made it to A2 taxiway (I think), which is the entrance to the AeroShell Square - that couldn't have been much more than a 5,500 - 6,000 ft. landing roll. Impressive.


Did you notice that almost all the skin rivets on the cargo section were round head and not flush rivets. They also appeared to be pulled rivets. I wonder if they act like rough shark skin to reduce drag. It is definitely an impressive aircraft.
Did you notice that almost all the skin rivets on the cargo section were round head and not flush rivets. They also appeared to be pulled rivets. I wonder if they act like rough shark skin to reduce drag. It is definitely an impressive aircraft.

I noticed that, to the point that while the cargo section looked like armor plating, the nose looked as smooth as composite.