Opinions/recommendations on 600-6 tires?


Line Up and Wait
Feb 1, 2024
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I'll have to replace the mains on the Cherokee in the near future. I see there is quite the spread in price between different tire brands and models. What are your recommendations for a tire with the best performance/durability to cost ratio?
Also, a couple A&Ps mentioned retreading them as an option. Not sold on that, but my only retread experience is seeing all the tractor-trailer delaminated tire carcasses on the highway. Would you retread a tire and put it on your aircraft?
Buy the cheapest. Unless you're a flight school, they will dry rot before the tread wears out. No retreads for the same reason.
A new Air Hawk 6 ply is $123, just a few bucks more than a Desser retread.
BTW changing tires is owner preventative maintenance. Do it yourself and apply the money saved to new tires.
Been using retreads on my RV since 2010. Great tread life and savings. Downside is they are heavier and larger than originals.

Retread tire carcasses are tested...
see https://shop.desser.com/retreading/

Shearography Measuring System
Shearography was originally designed for strain analysis and inspection and evaluation of honeycomb and bonded composites. Laser Shearography is very sensitive to slight changes in surface strain due to subsurface flaws, and it is able to detect imperfections and defects such as belt-edge separations, bead blisters, undercure, liner separation and broken cord and ply construction in aircraft tires.
Our new system accommodates aircraft tires up to 49" in diameter, incorporating the latest computer imaging analysis software, electronic Phase-Shearing-Interferometry methods, integrated laser-diode CCD camera, and adapted optic illumination image analysis in real time. The system will store the recorded test on disc for accurate traceability by work order and serial number.
The benefits of this system are:
1. Dramatically increased carcass abnormality detection
2. Immediate carcass fatigue detection
3. Immediate internal damage of carcass detection
4. 100% validation of used carcass
5. Increased detectability of carcass deterioration

So far I have used the Desser Monster retreads and I'm quite pleased with them. Sorry if this sounds like an advertisement...
Would you retread a tire and put it on your aircraft?
Have installed either. The only issue with retreads is if you have retracts as some retreads can have a slightly larger diameter. Here's a reference on retreads: AC145-4.
Buy the cheapest. Unless you're a flight school, they will dry rot before the tread wears out. No retreads for the same reason.
Not for me, they wore out! I fly a lot.
I put these Air Hawks on new summer 2018. They were good tires, never went flat. I put 2400 pavement landings on them in just under 4 years and they were bald. I am not complaining and was happy with them.
Then spring 2022 Air Hawks were not available so I went with Dresser Monster retreads.A very good value tire IMO.
I really like the retreads, they are so smooth, so solid when landing and especially on turf they land better.
They are a little taller and heavier not good for retracts. The added weight is what makes them feel so solid landing I think.

I am sold on the Dresser retreads and my next tires will be Dressers.

I will never run my tires that bald again because they were really thin, the tread. Would not have taken much to puncture one when they are that thin and bald. My wore out tires weighed 4lbs and the retreads weighed 8 lbs each when they were new. At first I didn't like losing 8lbs of useful load but they were worth it.

These are some really good tires that wear like iron. I have over 2 years on them now and over a 1000 landings although most my landings now a days are on grass so they might ozone crack before I can wear them out? Can't say enough good things about them.

And they fit in my wheel fairings just fine.
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I would not spend the money for Goodyear flight specials III. I have found many goodyear tires out of round, truck tires and aircraft tires. Don't buy em is my recommendation. Goodyear.
I just had the tires replaced at my annual a month or so ago. Went with Dresser retreads. They are inexpensive and durable.
Condor’s are as good as any imho and seem to hold up well. I agree on the advice to avoid Goodyear’s.
8 pounds? Yikes. Not a BFD in some aircraft but in mine it very much is.
I just did a little checking on tire prices at Aircraft Spruce. Wow, have they ever gone up. I used Condor tires in the flight school, and paid around $68 apiece 13 years ago. Now they're around $260. Both of these are Canadian prices. Condors are made by Michelin and are (or were) good tires. In the flight school, they're always worn out long before any "dry rot" sets in. But tires don't rot. They crack due to ozone attack.

McCreary tires were awful. Their carcass is so thin that by the time you're at the bottom of the tread, the fabric is starting to show. We had a couple of blowouts with them. They are now "Specialty Tires of America" but are still a lousy tire. Their tailwheel tires are a joke, little better than a handcart tire.
Doesn't McCreary tires make Air Hawks and Air something else?
Like I said they are thin tires,
I'll add that the flight school that operates out of the FBO that does my annuals, uses Dresser retreads on their trainer aircraft because they are so durable when subjected to student landings.
A wise man once said, spend the money on the things between you and the ground. Tires, shoes, mattress...

That said, I just bought Desser Monster retreads...