Operation: Fly September Stats


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
Display Name

Display name:
Everything Offends Me
[FONT=&quot]Stats for September, 2011[/FONT]​
[FONT=&quot]Class B Airports Claimed: 25/35

The top five of September
1. Barb Miller - 20
2. Marc Doss - 19
3. Todd Wolfley - 13
4. Joel Shaklee - 4
5. Jason Andersen - 2
TIE Tim Corban aka Tebo - 2

The top five total
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Note: This updates live and may not reflect the stats at the time the report was first run[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
1. Barb Miller - 388
2. Peter Yee - 255
3. C. Edward Irvin - 158
4. Karl J. Kisser - 136
5. Mike Schneider - 101

Claims by State
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Note: These are updated live and may not reflect the stats at the time the report was run[/FONT]
State Claims Total Percent
WY    50    50    100.00%
RI    7     7     100.00%
DE    10    10    100.00%
MI    228   231   98.70%
CA    252   256   98.44%
MD    37    40    92.50%
IN    89    103   86.41%
GA    96    112   85.71%
WI    113   135   83.70%
AZ    67    83    80.72%
OR    74    97    76.29%
CT    15    20    75.00%
CO    56    79    70.89%
DC    2    3    66.67%
NV    32    49    65.31%
WA    81    126    64.29%
TN    52    84    61.90%
MA    24    39    61.54%
NJ    30    49    61.22%
MO    83    139    59.71%
IA    78    131    59.54%
OH    93    158    58.86%
PA    76    136    55.88%
IL    63    114    55.26%
VA    37    70    52.86%
MS    41    80    51.25%
AR    53    104    50.96%
FL    61    126    48.41%
NH    11    24    45.83%
AL    40    93    43.01%
MN    61    145    42.07%
KY    26    62    41.94%
NY    49    127    38.58%
NE    32    84    38.10%
VT    6    16    37.50%
NC    42    113    37.17%
SC    25    68    36.76%
OK    51    140    36.43%
WV    12    35    34.29%
KS    47    139    33.81%
SD    24    79    30.38%
UT    14    47    29.79%
NM    17    59    28.81%
ME    13    50    26.00%
MT    33    129    25.58%
TX    99    391    25.32%
ID    30    120    25.00%
ND    9    89    10.11%
AK    24    287    8.36%
LA    5    71    7.04%
HI    0    14    0.00%
Great job everyone! We had a pretty strong month, with around 60 or so claims. The new Points structure rolled out, which will be very useful in the near future with some new features coming to the site.

If you haven't signed up, or you haven't found any airports that are unclaimed, you should get out and submit some visits instead. Its a fun way to get out and see a bunch of airports that don't get a lot of traffic sometimes.

There are a handful of pilots that are very active right now, and that's awesome, but I think there's an opportunity for a lot more people to join in and experience some real fun flying.

Plus - we need some Hawaiian pilots too!
Good grief!!
I'm NOT surprised to see Barb at the top. And yet... I can't imagine the airports are all that close together in Wyoming (for a TriP)... 20??? :yikes:

I am totally ashamed... I haven't even landed at another aerodrome but my own since I flew to have pancakes with EdFred in... July??? (June???)
I sucky pilot... :sad: