One Year..........

Ted ****ed me off with his overzealous ban hammer as a rookie mod so I went elsewhere. Hopefully he has calmed down.

Oh brother, talk about high school drama!! Really? You started a thread just to let us know how butt hurt you are on an internet forum? Wow. This stuff is just way more important to some I guess. Having never been banned, I guess I wouldn't understand. Well, I hope all is well now. Welcome back.
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You've seen me fly. You know there is no brain function. More coffee...

Hey come on now, your ADM to go to the airport with gusts to 30 down the runway for cheap gas through the worst mountain pass for wrecks in the entire state, might have been questionable, but the landing was good, and you couldn’t have known about the warning signs saying to be careful of snakes at the pumps!

Plus we needed that headwind with the Dakota heavier after the fuel was added!

I kid. I kid. :) :) :) :P :P :P
Hey come on now, your ADM to go to the airport with gusts to 30 down the runway for cheap gas through the worst mountain pass for wrecks in the entire state, might have been questionable, but the landing was good, and you couldn’t have known about the warning signs saying to be careful of snakes at the pumps!

Plus we needed that headwind with the Dakota heavier after the fuel was added!

I kid. I kid. :) :) :) :p :p :p
What???? The landing was great. We re-used the aircraft. Edit your post now, sir!
I’ll report myself for a personal attack. That’ll be more effective. :)
You also failed to note that we orbited in the middle of said pass so that you could marvel at the existence of a 5,000' paved runway in the middle of no-where.
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reported, as per Ted request.

Oh brother, talk about high school drama!! Really? You started a thread just to let us know how butt hurt you are on an internet forum? Wow. This stuff is just way more important to some I guess. Having never been banned, I guess I wouldn't understand. Well, I hope all is well now. Welcome back.
You also failed to note that we orbited in the middle of said pass so that you could marvel at the existence of a 5,000' paved runway in the middle of no-where.

Shhh. That’s the secret chemtrail loading base for southern Colorado! ;)
LOL. And it begins...

Hank Jr says, "shetttttttt"

Is being reported a badge of honor around here? It feels like it. :cool::p:D

Don’t know about here, but I know people who purposefully try to get put in Facebook “jail”. They have three or four accounts and any particular one is banned at any one time. LOL.

It’s the Internet. If you try to take it too seriously you’ll go crazy.
While I understand that many posts are missed, many/most posters are not whiny tattle-tales. No matter what happens we will not report misdeeds of others even though we may note them. Since meeting Unit74 at Gaston's I'm certain he is a person who stands up for himself and needs no help. I think the management council may miss that fact and as a result act in a one-sided manner. The suggestion here is to not take individual posts out of context and to perhaps adapt a train to standard rather than use a fail mentality. I see some of that being done but it's usually rather condescending and just about as bad as the offending posts.

That's actually not how it ends up working. When a report is made we read through the thread to see what's happened. Often times a thread is closed with a warning posted in the thread, sometimes we determine that only one person has crossed the line and thus that person gets warning with points, and sometimes multiple people get warnings with points. And sometimes we determine there's no action that's warranted and then reject the report.

Since we don't publicly talk about who's gotten what warnings and the only public indication is if someone is sent on involuntary vacation, individuals often assume that they were the only ones to receive a warning. Simply not true.

But if you don't want to report posts, don't complain when action doesn't occur for a post you think should receive action. We aren't omnipresent and there's no algorithm that automatically finds and reports bad posts. It either happens when a mod is reading a thread and finds a bad post or when another user reports it.
Oh brother, talk about high school drama!! Really? You started a thread just to let us know how butt hurt you are on an internet forum? Wow. This stuff is just way more important to some I guess. Having never been banned, I guess I wouldn't understand. Well, I hope all is well now. Welcome back.
Quite strange indeed. It would be more appropriate to quietly re-enter the forum space unannounced than let everyone know that you have a vengeance against a certain someone. Something that should be saved for a PM if you feel it’s necessary. Each to their own.
Do points expire if not used within a certain time frame?
Who said anything about appropriate? And who ordered the code red?

Quite strange indeed. It would be more appropriate to quietly re-enter the forum space unannounced than let everyone know that you have a vengeance against a certain someone. Something that should be saved for a PM if you feel it’s necessary. Each to their own.
Do points expire if not used within a certain time frame?

Serious answer to joking question:

When points are issued to a user they come with an expiration date. If a certain number of points are valid (not expired) a vacation is issued.

25 points = 3 days
50 points = 1 week
75 points = 1 month
100 points = permanent
Serious answer to joking question:

When points are issued to a user they come with an expiration date. If a certain number of points are valid (not expired) a vacation is issued.

25 points = 3 days
50 points = 1 week
75 points = 1 month
100 points = permanent

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Serious answer to joking question:

When points are issued to a user they come with an expiration date. If a certain number of points are valid (not expired) a vacation is issued.

25 points = 3 days
50 points = 1 week
75 points = 1 month
100 points = permanent

If you're going to have competitive scoring, you really should post a leaderboard. ;)
if I knew how many points I had I'd know how much wiggle room I had to get 'frisky' in my posts.....

it's like playing a sport where u don't know what the score is until the game is over.
if I knew how many points I had I'd know how much wiggle room I had to get 'frisky' in my posts.....

it's like playing a sport where u don't know what the score is until the game is over.

You wanna ride that 24 1/2 don't you? Right on the line... :)
if I knew how many points I had I'd know how much wiggle room I had to get 'frisky' in my posts.....

it's like playing a sport where u don't know what the score is until the game is over.

You mean you weren't doing that already?
Serious answer to joking question:

When points are issued to a user they come with an expiration date. If a certain number of points are valid (not expired) a vacation is issued.

25 points = 3 days
50 points = 1 week
75 points = 1 month
100 points = permanent

Are you not violating your own rules by discussing bans and suspensions? Serious question.
The rule is for discussing specific disciplinary action.

Seems more like a moving target to me. I read the ROC on it and it is written ambiguously. Basically is says don't talk about, unless we want to talk about it. Then only we can talk about it but you can't.
You're the one who started this thread...

I may have started a thread about returning after a year, but I am clearly not at the wheel young lady. As with every other thread on this forum, it turns in to a goat rodeo with every new posting. Monty Python would be like, day-yum... I didn't bring up anything until the dawg pile showed up and dropped a cherry bomb in the toilet.