One more week of uncrowded gym time


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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Just an observation but it has been really nice to have the gym at it's lowest attendance. Seemed to happen right around Thanksgiving. But I know what will happen just past Christmas when everyone starts their New Year's resolutions, 3 months of crowds.
3 months? I usually notice the numbers starting to decline again after a couple of weeks!
Just an observation but it has been really nice to have the gym at it's lowest attendance. Seemed to happen right around Thanksgiving. But I know what will happen just past Christmas when everyone starts their New Year's resolutions, 3 months of crowds.

Ain't it so. We were just talking about this yesterday.

My favorite gym activity is to watch people wait in their cars so that they can get a spot close to the door of the gym. That way they won't have to walk so far to the treadmills. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I thought that only happened here....dorks!