One legal issue after another...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
Display Name

Display name:
Everything Offends Me
Yay New Mexico!

I got a letter from New Mexico Taxation Revenue Department's Audit and Compliance Division.

First line reads:
NM TRD said:
Our records indicate that there is a discrepancy between your NM PIT return and your federal income tax return.]

No kidding? I wonder if it might be because I didn't bother filing the NM PIT because I was going to spend 39 cents on a $1.50 refund. I called and asked at the time, and they said that if the return is a refund, there is no need to file the PIT form, I can "donate" the taxes to the state.

Seems weird? Well, I just got off the phone with David Urrea at NM TRD, who says that is true, but in this case, they need me to send them the W2s from last year.

No big deal, but man, scares the **** outta ya to get an audit notice, doesn't it?
Jawjuh once tried to come after me for money I received BEFORE I originally moved here. The kicker? They filed a lien with the court THEN sent notice to me.

And, people question the FairTax?
I'm in the middle of an IRS inquiry. I received two Form 1099s from a small company I did some work for in 2005, one for about $60 grand and one about $65 grand. I called up and said WTF? The company CFO told me that the second one should have been marked "corrected". Since we were so near the filing date, we decided that I would mark my copyof the second one corrected, and he would mark the company's filing copy "corrected" as well.

Well, he didn't. The IRS is after me for taxes on both 1099s, plus interest of course. This may take a while to straighten out but the company will stand behind me as to what was actually paid.

You are right, Nick. Don't open a letter from the IRS without your nitroglycerine tablets handy.... :hairraise:

I'm in the middle of an IRS inquiry. I received two Form 1099s from a small company I did some work for in 2005, one for about $60 grand and one about $65 grand. I called up and said WTF? The company CFO told me that the second one should have been marked "corrected". Since we were so near the filing date, we decided that I would mark my copyof the second one corrected, and he would mark the company's filing copy "corrected" as well.

Well, he didn't. The IRS is after me for taxes on both 1099s, plus interest of course. This may take a while to straighten out but the company will stand behind me as to what was actually paid.

You are right, Nick. Don't open a letter from the IRS without your nitroglycerine tablets handy.... :hairraise:

Skip, do you keep vouchers or any statements accompanying client payments? Or, do they make it a check only?
Skip, do you keep vouchers or any statements accompanying client payments? Or, do they make it a check only?

I have some vouchers but since I have moved twice since then, it will take a while to dig them out. Since this is the Company's fault, and I am on very good terms with them, I'll put the onus of finding the documentation needed on them! :yes:

First I have to wait for the IRS to mull the situation over and see what is needed. I did get a reply from the IRS saying that they will get back to me in 60 days or so, but in the meantime I should consider paying the taxes and interest due in order to stop the interest meter. Not bad in concept except I am confident I owe them nothing on this... so I will stonewall them.
