Omission on 3rd class medical - motion sickness and anxiety?



I applied for and got my third class medical several months back, but while going through old paperwork today, found a medical record from just under 3yrs ago where I had had nausea long after I returned from a boat trip. It was to the extent I went to the ER one week later. Looks like in the ER they gave me a medication for vertigo (which didn’t work), a medication “for anxiety”, and a diagnosis of “benign positional vertigo”.

Did I inadvertently omit “motion sickness” on my MedExpress? Without a formal diagnosis of anxiety, do I / did I need to disclose that they gave me a one off pill for anxiety? Does this count as a mental disorder? Do I need to disclose this somewhere now? Wait until my next medical?

The nausea / motion sickness resolved on its own a few days later. I’ve never before nor since had any form of motion sickness.

Any guidance as well on what constitutes a formal diagnosis of anxiety would be helpful as well. It doesn’t look like it’s listed on the “visit summary”, but somehow must be somewhere if they gave me the medication??
Meclizine for the vertigo and lorazepam for the anxiety. The discharge packet only mentions the “benign positional vertigo, unspecified laterality” though. They also sent me home with with Rx for meclizine and diazepam - both indicated “as needed” and as they didn’t help I didn’t take them.
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