OMG! Paraglider "kite" lands at JFK! Causes 767 go around?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Feb 12, 2005
Lake County, IL
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"Something flew over 22L and 22R causing an American 767 to go around 22L to avoid it. Later ended up closing 22R for 5 Police helicopters to search for him and forcing several aircraft to divert due to being restricted to one runway. Seemed to come down to about 10-20 feet off the cargo ramp possibly dropping an object and then climbing to 1000 feet flying outbound on a 030hdg on an active final approach!"

FAA spokesman Jim Peters tells ATCF (As the Croft flies) that an American 767 performed a go-around while descending through 400ft on the approach in this timeframe, but the FAA was not able to link maneuver directly to the intruder, at least as of 21 August..

NOW the NYC media and pols have something to scream about.


Ummmm, a matter of fact.....


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news agency or tsa conducting airport security tests on their own?
Probably the TSA. I can see it now. "We need bigger fences at all airports, the secure area is now accessible by air!"
Bigger fences, he11. They are going to demand that the airports be covered so that no one can get in without passing through security first!:raspberry:
don't laugh. Massport/TSA at KBED demands that each badged person goes through the badge doors. Why? because they think they'll then be able to track who is on the airport.

don't laugh. Massport/TSA at KBED demands that each badged person goes through the badge doors. Why? because they think they'll then be able to track who is on the airport.


They all want to do that.

So lately, I've been badging in through the gate, and leaving through the "public door." There's at least four copies of me wandering around the airport now. :D
Probably the TSA. I can see it now. "We need bigger fences at all airports, the secure area is now accessible by air!"

Sounds more like a news agency operation.

Excellent. Keeps the smog all in once place. Just paint it black to keep light pollution to a minimum. Close the lower doors and fill with water every 5 years...
Bigger fences, he11. They are going to demand that the airports be covered so that no one can get in without passing through security first!:raspberry:

And they'll think of it as an extra bonus that is stops GA...
Watch Dateline or somesuch pick up this story and "dramatization" a terrist attack by paraglider. It does kinda show how all all of the locked gates don't mean much.

Don' cha wonder how the guys in the tower couldn't see it?

They're gonna hafta put ground to air missile batteries on the ramps!