Oldest active CFI on POA?

Ha. Maybe to some but to more and more folks, I'm being looked at as an old guy. That's ok, it was inevitable. I'll be 2/3 of the way to 90 which would be a good age to make it to. Anything past that will be icing on the cake.

And I'll be 2/3 of the way to 99 in about 6 weeks. :p
I just signed off a very experienced fixed wing CFII for his proficiency check ride for Sport Pilot, Rotorcraft-gyroplane after two point seven hours of dual instruction and six point three hours of ground over a day and a half.

Kind of off topic, but I'm one of those weird people who want to collect ratings, just because I can. How much does a gyrocopter with instructor cost per hour? And what is your average amount of hours for "normal" students?
Thanks for asking for clarification.

I suppose in my scotch fueled mind last night I was wondering who had their CFI the longest time period.

Oldest active CFI age wise would be interesting too.
Mine is 83, been teaching since the 60s. He lost count of his dual given in the 7000s quite a few years ago. Still gives weekly instruction. Says he drinks scotch "because you guys keep trying to kill me".