Yesterday we were 25-30 miles away from my home airport doing maneuvers. My CFI said..Kenny Lee take us to the airport. I’m not saying a word. I set the GPS like a champ even though I didn’t really need it. Turned the correct heading, right rpms, right MP, etc. 7-8 miles out I radioed local traffic perfectly. Who I am talking to, Who I am, and what are my intentions. I will be entering a left downwind for runway 19. I descended at the right time and speed. Entered the pattern flawlessly. Mixture rich. Pattern flaps at midfield, dropped the gear abeam the numbers, MP to 17”. Descending at 500 FPM, speed 100-105 kts, radioed position, turned for base, lined up on final, prop forward, GUMP check, yaw damper off. Looks good, touched down on centerline and greased it in. Flawless. Until he informed me I landed on runway 1. Sheesh