Okay... they finally bested me.

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
Yeah, a donut. BUT YOU CAN'T EAT IT WITHOUT CUTTING IT! WTF? Are these people trying to drive me crazy?
What are you angry about? You can't eat bread anyway, I thought.

Kringles are big down in New Orleans. Never been much for them, though.
That's O&H kringle from my hometown, Racine, WI!

Its only the single greatest bakery item ever devised. The Danes who settled in Racine are long gone, but their legacy lives on in this amazing pastry.

There are several bakeries in Racine that make kringle, but O&H is our favorite. We order them by mail every Christmas and birthday. Raspberry and pecan are the best flavors!
At least it's not a regular sized donut? And there's a reason behind cutting this one up!
Kringles are like crack. Best things ever. O&H has started to expand their locations. When I go home to Ohio, I have to bring kringle and cheese curds with me.
Mmm reminds me of those King cakes from New Orleans. Most excellent! :)

Bet Cajun knows what I'm talking about huh.
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What are you angry about? You can't eat bread anyway, I thought.

Kringles are big down in New Orleans. Never been much for them, though.

You don't understand. Cutting donuts is a big peeve of mine. It drives me absolutely crazy to see a box of donuts cut in to halves, quarters, and sometimes even eights. To me, the minimum increment of taking away a donut is, one donut. I can eat a little bread, occasionally but I generally don't because I'm also low carb. But that thing is confounding. If I wished to eat one donut-equivalent, I'm not even sure how I would approach cutting it.
Kringles are the bomb. O&H is the best, too. On the way home from Oshkosh we stop at KRAC for fuel and keys to the courtesy car to go pick up a stack of them. The only way we can get them in Virginia is by ordering online ($$$) or seasonally at Trader Joes (Pumpkin Kringle around thanksgiving, almond kringles around christmas; neither are my favorite flavor but good nevertheless).
Kringles are big down in New Orleans. Never been much for them, though.

Kringles are big in NO? I thought it was a Scandinavian thing. Are there Danes in the area or do the Cajuns do something similar?
Kringles are big in NO? I thought it was a Scandinavian thing. Are there Danes in the area or do the Cajuns do something similar?

As mscard mentioned, King Cakes are THE thing to get down in NO. Because of the oval shape of the pastry, at some point a spin off was created and dubbed the "Cajun Kringle." But Wisconsin is definitely considered king of the kringle. I'm not really big on them, but I can each the hellyhell out of some King Cake! I order one from home every year from this place:

And, yeah Sac, I use a nice, big knife to slice it up.
I am afraid that it is you who does not understand.
See, this ain't no donut.
(fanfare, please)

All right. I'll give you that. But, understand in my terminology a "donut" is a generic reference to a single serve portion pastry or confection. I get it, the above isn't single serve.

Well maybe it is for a Sumo wrestler.

As mscard mentioned, King Cakes are THE thing to get down in NO. Because of the oval shape of the pastry, at some point a spin off was created and dubbed the "Cajun Kringle." But Wisconsin is definitely considered king of the kringle. I'm not really big on them, but I can each the hellyhell out of some King Cake! I order one from home every year from this place:

And, yeah Sac, I use a nice, big knife to slice it up.

Actually, that's one of our smaller knives. Some of the donut cutters have even been known to use the butcher knife to hack a donut in to oblivion. Our breakroom is equipped with practically everything short of a flame thrower and a mortar. But we're working on those.
I've seen sand infested ragging women on week 3 of Monistat whine less.
You don't understand. Cutting donuts is a big peeve of mine. It drives me absolutely crazy to see a box of donuts cut in to halves, quarters, and sometimes even eights. To me, the minimum increment of taking away a donut is, one donut. I can eat a little bread, occasionally but I generally don't because I'm also low carb. But that thing is confounding. If I wished to eat one donut-equivalent, I'm not even sure how I would approach cutting it.

I love it when the girls at work say, "Oh, .....I'll just have half." I still after all these years don't think they know what happens to the other halves. ;-)
Lived in New Orleans for a few years, and live about an hour away currently; never heard of a Kringle before, but I'm not very worldly. Do they come from together when you eat them?

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Looks more like a set up for workplace violence. Don't you need a permit or something to have a knife that big at work? Seriously......
Lived in New Orleans for a few years, and live about an hour away currently; never heard of a Kringle before, but I'm not very worldly. Do they come from together when you eat them?

Depends on how strong the complementing absinthe is.
All right. I'll give you that. But, understand in my terminology a "donut" is a generic reference to a single serve portion pastry or confection. I get it, the above isn't single serve.

Well maybe it is for a Sumo wrestler.

As a Wisconsinite, I feel it's my duty to inform you that if you fold it in half and then fold it in half again... you have a single serving of Kringle. Just don't order dessert afterwards... ;-)
I use a knife and fork to eat a Snickers bar.....

You must carry your own silverware with you in the airplane. I haven't come across a pilot's lounge yet that provides those next to the vending machine.
[or crystal glassware for the accompanying Diet Coke that makes up the other half of the standard pilot's meal]
As a Wisconsinite, I feel it's my duty to inform you that if you fold it in half and then fold it in half again... you have a single serving of Kringle. Just don't order dessert afterwards... ;-)

Well, there we have it! (that's how I'd eat it, if it were all mine)
I was at Universal Studios in Orlando on thur. In the 'Simpsons' part of the park they have the 'Lard Lad Donut Shop'. Lard Lad sells a donut that can feed a family, comes in a cake box.
Looks more like a set up for workplace violence. Don't you need a permit or something to have a knife that big at work? Seriously......

I don't work for a major corporation any more for a reason. And why would someone go for a knife in the kitchen when they have a Glock or P226 sitting in their desk drawer?