Oh, $%#&!

that sucks richard. I think its time for an engine with better parts and service support.
Ouch, I'm sorry Richard. I hope it doesn't get any worse.

Just curious, how much SMOH?
OH crap! :hairraise: :( Let me know if I can help? I don't have any lines on franklins. Maybe just put a c-145 back on it?:dunno:
Oh man.. That sucks... Uhhhhh.. Happy Birthday???
Oh, crud. I'm really sorry to hear that. I didn't realize that Cessna had Franklins in the 170. Learn something new every day. FWIW - and, it ain't my money I'm spending, I say get a new engine. I know, easier said than paid for. I feel for you, brother!!
I say get a new engine. I know, easier said than paid for. I feel for you, brother!!

Wow, I hate it when that happens.

Go ahead and update the plane while the opportunity presents it's self...

http://www.xpmods.com/enginemods/default.asp :D

Oh, hey-ll no! :no:

Well, maybe :redface: But not the XP mods kit, I've personally know two people who went that route and their conversion blogs are a tale of tears.

Thanks for the condolences everyone. Any other opinions please share.

And yeah, happy b-day :vomit:
Richard, how far into the current overhaul did this happen?
I'm sorry to hear this. I hope the flying has been worth all the trouble you seem to be having since you bought her. At least you are on the ground in a familiar place rather than stranded.
That sucks polar bear nuggets. Maybe the shop that did the overhaul will give you a discount on the repair. Then again, I couldn't blame you if you didn't want to go back to those guys.
Sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you. I will sacrifice a quart of oil to the engine god in the hopes that they may come to your aid.
That sucks polar bear nuggets. Maybe the shop that did the overhaul will give you a discount on the repair. Then again, I couldn't blame you if you didn't want to go back to those guys.

Hmm, maybe, but it was an independent.

Thanks everyone, I'm still mulling over my options. My flying blog will likely be a maintenance blog for the next few months.

Had lunch today with an out-of-town pilot friend and his wife, here on vacation, who I met through the Cessna 170 association. Talking about flying helped :)
FWIW Cessna did not put Franklins in 170's. Those installations are STC'd. Wasn't a bad idea when the Franklin was a current production engine.

see the TCDS A-799 item 111
see the TCDS A-799 item 111


Almost, shot a bull the evening of the 2nd but I was alone and didn't relish the idea of an all night gore fest. I need some parts for the belt driven Vac pump?? the pulley for the pump? Got any leads Tom? oh yea I don't have 2000 dollars laying aroud to pay for one. I guess the veturi is giong back on.:no: :mad: