Ocean Ridge Airport (E55) Needs Help


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Apr 1, 2007
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Display name:
Richard Palm
It looks like Ocean Ridge Airport (E55), on the Northern California coast, is in danger of closing if they can't raise $60,000 for state-mandated improvements.





Donation link:


It looks like a fun airport to visit (although it would be even better if ground transportation were available).

(Feel free to comment as you see fit.)
CA b'crats been hard on airports lately. Oh well, if you gotta have standards you don't always get to play.
It's a nice airport. The owner is not a pilot, but he gets the value of an airport in the community, but needs some help with the resurfacing. He keeps it open to the public.
So what happens to all the people that donate and it falls $15,000 short of the $60,000? Do they get refunds? Or does the owner pocket the money and close the doors?
So what happens to all the people that donate and it falls $15,000 short of the $60,000? Do they get refunds? Or does the owner pocket the money and close the doors?

I am not sure, but he did create a separate account. I am not getting the impression this is a scam, since has taken care of all the maintenance to date on his own dime and not previously asked for help.
I just verified Paypal is working -- Forget saving the redwoods .. time to join me in saving some asphalt :goofy:
So what happens to all the people that donate and it falls $15,000 short of the $60,000? Do they get refunds? Or does the owner pocket the money and close the doors?

A few days ago, they said on their Facebook page that they were planning on starting a fund raising campaign on http://www.smallknot.com in the coming months. If they choose the "All or Nothing" option, then your credit card would not be charged unless the funding goal was met. I hope that's the option they choose; I think it would get better results, because you are not the only person with that concern.
Here is their reply to one of my posts on their Facebook page:

We'll probably avoid using an 'all or nothing' campaign so that the funding will definitely be used. If we can't meet the CalTrans deadline, it doesn't mean we will not reseal at all--quite the contrary. We will get the resealing done as soon as financially possible. Our goal is to keep the airport public no matter what.
I have flown to Ocean Ridge a couple of times recently, and the runway is not bad right now, but I did see signs that it will deteriorate if some work is not done on it. There are places to tie down, but you should bring your own ropes.

There is a pilot's lounge with restrooms in a little square building next to the runway 13 numbers. Unfortunately, there is no phone there, and no cell phone coverage, so if you file a flight plan, you will need to close it in the air.

There is a park across the road from southeast end of the airport.
...There are places to tie down, but you should bring your own ropes...

Their Facebook page mentions that they have a tie down closet, with straps that you can use. I didn't notice that before.
How are they doing ,reaching their goal?
I think they're about 30% of the way.
Looks like with a little luck and a few more $$ they will be resurfaced.

I went up a couple of weeks ago dropped some cash and the 31 end was in pretty good shape for slurry and it sounds like 13 is recoverable.

Hello friends of Ocean Ridge Airport,
We have REALLY good news!
The slurry resealing is scheduled for Thursday, July 17...yes, that's next week! It was originally planned for later in the month but the contractor asked to move it forward and will be giving us a small discount for doing so.
We received a bid from a slurry contractor that will be doing another job in our area at the end of this month. There was a narrow window of time to secure the price and the contractor could only schedule the work if we signed the contract. The price is really attractive because we would be able to save a considerable amount on mobilization costs by scheduling when the contractor would already be in the area. This is exactly what we've been hoping to be able to do.
Based on our projections of fundraising efforts, we believe that we can get the remaining money donated in time to accept this estimate. So we went ahead and signed the contract this week.

We need another $8,000 to close the funding gap. Now is the time to make that donation if you have not already done so.

There are a variety of ways to donate to the runway project. Please visit oceanridgeairport.org to select the one that works best for you. Remember that purchasing annual tie down packages also contributes to this fund.
A NOTAM will be posted for the airport closure for the work next week.
As always, we at ORAA appreciate your support with this effort and look forward to providing you with a pleasant airport experience here on the coast.


ORAA members:
David Bower
John Bower
Naomi Schwartz
Eric Kritz
Mitch Kirby
Sheralyn Kirby

Julie Bower
Update: The work has been completed. I flew in a couple of weeks ago, and it looks good. Their Web site says they were able to raise $22,000 and need another $6,000 to pay off a loan.
...Unfortunately, there is no phone there, and no cell phone coverage, so if you file a flight plan, you will need to close it in the air...

This is a necropost, but I wanted to update the information about cell phone coverage at this airport. My comment that there wasn't any was based on not seeing any bars on the signal strength display of my cell phone. Apparently I was misinterpreting the display, because the last time I went, I tried making a phone call, and it worked fine. There was also a phone number for ground transportation posted in the pilot's lounge.