Hello all!
What are your thoughts on working towards my IR in an airplane without an IFR rated GPS? Currently, I run a Bendix/king skyforce III(not IFR approved) in my '68 Cardinal. In addition, what would be the best affordable IFR capable GPS systems on the market? Garmin 430 waas,garmin 155 xl, 175?
Thanks for your advice. Look forward to conversing with y'all.
Everything you've listed, other than the 175, is old technology, some not even supported anymore. Most cost-effective at this point is the 175 and a G5 as the HSI, or the 175 and a non-Garmin compatible CDI (without the HSI capability).
1) does the Cardinal have ADS-B out? If not, you may need to install it. The Garmin options include 1) ads-b out transponder GTX 335, or 2) the GNX 375 GPS/transponder.
There are other (and cheaper) ADS-B options that are not Garmin, such as the Stratus ESG (ADS-B & transponder) and the SkyBeacon (ADS-B out only)
2) if you already have ADS-B out, then all you need is the GPS 175 GPS and a CDI
You can find MSRP online and most dealers/suppliers will have lower prices. Don't forget the installation costs. If you go the transponder route, most will slip right into the hole of your existing transponder BUT....you'll need a GPS source and antenna - more money, more install.
Homework assignment: Put together a spreadsheet of the options with pricing of the common products, call around to local avionics shops for pricing with installation. Pick what fits your budget.
Here's the one I put together last year. All prices are retail, no install, no extra stuff that might be needed.
Garmin GTX 335 transponder ADS-B Out $3000
Garmin GNX 175 GPS $5000
Garmin GNX 375 GPS/transponder ADS-B Out $7644
Garmin G5 HSI indicator w/GPS interface $3125
Garmin GI 275 HSI indicator $4300
Stratus ESG transponder ADS-B Out $3000
SkyBeacon ADS-B Out $1850
TailBeacon transponder ADS-B Out $ 3000