No More Lobster - - -


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
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Harley Reich
- - - or clam dinners on the dock this year, so I guess I'll just pass it by until
Spring. (Five Islands Lobster Restaurant - Georgetown, ME)



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Go ahead. Rub it in. I hope your dryer breaks on a really cold day and you have to wear wet longjohns.:mad3:

:o))) The Five Islands Lobster Restaurant is neat, seasonally open from May until not long after Labor Day. Granted, no white table cloths but the picnic tables remain busy.
On Sundays in the late afternoon a tour boat out of Boothbay Harbor -- 30 minutes away in my 20' I/O boat -- arrives at the dock. The tour boats -- there are several in the fleet -- will offload up to 60 to 80 passengers who chow down at the tables on the dock. A crowd pleaser is often the two or three kids who work at the facility. The touring guests may be taunted to jeer "Jump . . . . jump . . . . jump," shortly after which(the guys having removed each's shirt) the kids will take a running start and somersault off the pier and into the drink. Rounds of applause and cheers!!

Chris and Jenny, the proprietors, also operate which is only a mile from Wiscasset Airport KIWI, an excellent 100 Dollar Hamburger destination. My photo at the top of this thread I took on August 27, by which time the "Keep Maine Green" crowds were getting pretty thin. The location is about six miles below my house.

HR (and Five Islands Harbor is a lot smaller than Boothbay Harbor, photographed during the same August 27 flight during which a lot of empty mooring balls were observed along the coast. Now we settle in for the long and quiet winter)


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I like Shaw's Wharf in New Harbor.
Speak for yourself....

I saw a thing on TV a few weeks ago about how badly the lobstah fishermen were doing... So I decided to do something to help!

I found some of them on line, and have been ordering live lobstah delivered overnight to HOU for about $6 a lb... Thats still $4 a lb less than the local asian mkts sell them for! ($6 + less than Randalls, HEB, or Krogers) Ordering 4 at a time makes for a nice meal and great leftovers!

Love them sweet bugs!
Puttering around in the boat, while en route to -- here's part of New Harbor:

May 26, 2009



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Re: Speak for yourself....

Yeah; with the cost of fuel the fishermen have been taking it on the chin. While they've been getting $2.00 - $2.50 a pound the restaurants don't seem to have lowered the menu prices. "Market Price" on the menu listings? Hah! My next door neighbor is a 29 year old fisherman with wife and a two year old. Back in the winter during a storm his boat went to the bottom at its mooring(just over from the site of my lead photo at the top of the thread). When the sinking was discovered at daybreak all the lobstermen gave up their day to help get Brian's boat up. By 10:00 p.m. same day they had dismantled its engine and had it running upon reassembly. Of course, the electronics were another matter. Within a week the local Community Center ladies had put together a supper and silent auction. It brought tears to my eyes when I saw how long the line was to get into the benefit supper, and I got in early to view all the donated "everythings" from residents and businesses from as far as 20 miles away. Over $17,000 was realized for Brian and Abigail who was expecting another child in two weeks. One check came in from England, from a party who had visited our little island the previous summer. When a need such as above happens these little fishing communities step up to the plate for their neighbors.

Nice pix. My grandparents summered in Back Cove, just around the horn from New Harbor. What a state!!!!!