no jokes, just punch lines.

The thong is over but the malady lingers on.
People who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones.
The first thing we're going to do is check your hearing.

Ron Wanttaja
But we need the eggs.

Just two, but they have to be awfully small.

It just does.

One. She just holds the bulb, and the world revolves around her.

Just one, but it really has to want to be changed.

None, it's a hardware problem.
The sight of that poor little monkey trying to put the cork back in......

Ron Wanttaja
I told you I was sick.

Guess again.

They poked a hole in him and buried him in shoebox.

Kansas got the first pick.

I used to have car like that.

Superman, you're a mean drunk.

When she sat around the house, she sat around the house.

Take my wife.
The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the gorilla suit has to go.