Age of the kids would come in to play. At 15 and 16, mine I think still live here but I am not certain.
If they are little, it means you can do the morning routine and then crash for the day so you get some time with them each day.
I have had a normal job for my kids lives and the mornings are generally the time I see them. In the evenings other than dinner, its homework, activities, etc.
For the first 5 years, my wife worked nights and I don't think anyone suffered for it. She felt guilty but I handled night time duties and the kids were fine.
I think you can do it and it will be okay but I think you might feel like you are missing out on something or worry that they are.
The more I think about it, I don't think it would be too bad actually. sleep from 8-3 every day, You are there for dinner, go to work, come home and send them off to school.
You are spending more time with your kids than our generations' dads did.