Seriously, I would be certain they are planning on the eventual spin-off and sale of a multi-billion dollar business that is chock full of verifiable data linked to real names, addresses, and as you saw, contact lists.
Really genius stuff. Like facebook, but with you and all your neighbors names tied to your real street addresses with the data on all the things in your neighborhood you like, dislike, and would like to see changed if only someone could offer that service...
Mrs. Suzy Jones on 1234 Main Street and 17 of her neighbors think a sandwich place closer to them would be ideal.
And she is willing to donate to the campaign of the next candidate that is pro/anti immigrant/abortion/life if only the current idiot in her district could be run out on rails.
And she and her baby daddy will be shopping for a new home in the $300K price range near a nice preschool in a couple years because they just announced a new bun in the oven.
Etc..., for sale to anyone willing to purchase the demographics.