new video


BTW, you can embed YouTube videos here, just use the video ID (the part after v=, and before any &'s if there are any) and put this code in [ yt ] videoID [ /yt ] without the spaces, and you get this:

Again, nicely done!
Thanks. I never knew how to embed video's. I'll play with it a bit and see if I can post my other 2 video's here.
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ok, I am butchering this.

Anybody want to explain how to embed this video?

You will need to use small words, and type slow. I'm a pilot. :redface:
Not Martha. Just a neat avatar that I came across one day. Reminded me of a radiologist that I worked with at one time.
ok, I am butchering this.

Anybody want to explain how to embed this video?

You will need to use small words, and type slow. I'm a pilot. :redface:

:rofl::rofl: As best I understand it...

Look at the URL for the video you want to embed. It'll have "v=" and then 11 characters. Copy and paste those characters into the body of a message here, surrounded by [ yt ] at the beginning and [ /yt ] at the end. Don't include the spaces, though, I just did that so it wouldn't think I was trying to embed something. That should do it. Make sense?

Not my video, but one that I really enjoy.
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Thanks... You typed just slow enough for me. :D

How it all began. My wife was deployed when I bought the plane so it was a bit bittersweet. She was very homesick so I made her a video so she could be there by proxy.
Nice vid! What is the music?
I'm not sure of the instrumental portion but I'm pretty sure it's part of a version of "Walking in the Air" by Chloe Agnew of Celtic Women (pronounced keltic). I became hooked on their music a while back when I discovered a fund raising episode on PBS. They are an incredibly talented group of women in classical music.

Edit: Most of their videos would do justice to the sight of a soaring glider or gentle aerobatics choreographed to the music. There's the full page for someone who might want to be creative.
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Allen, for someone "not 2 brite", you put together a heck of a video. BZ!

And thanks to your wife for her service!
How it all began. My wife was deployed when I bought the plane so it was a bit bittersweet. She was very homesick so I made her a video so she could be there by proxy.

Nice video. :) That's really cool that you made it for your wife. :yes:
Allen, for someone "not 2 brite", you put together a heck of a video. BZ!

And thanks to your wife for her service!

<In my best "Rain Man" voice>

Ya...thanks. Sometimes they let me drive the plane..
uhoh, Wapner comes on at nine, definitley at nine.
I,m sorry I couldn't get that video to embed so I just posted the link to go get it. For some reason I couldn't make it work. ( old age maybe):smile:
Here you go Bob:
remove the spaces from the code below:
[ yt ]0fOqaU96iLI[ / yt ]
I think the problem was I was putting an l in place of an I.They look to much alike to me. Bob
You did that beautiful thing there. BZ to you my friend. I am not to proud to say that watching this brought a tear to the eye. If the day comes that the wings get clipped, you sir will always have an empty seat waiting for you in my bird. It would be an honor.
There is a charity flight program out here that fly’s WWII vets into DC to see the memorial. Unfortunately, experimental are excluded, and I do not think too many vets can get into my plane comfortably.
Many people have a soft spot for kids. Mine is for the seniors in our society. It bothers me tremendously how our country treats our geriatric population. After I graduate I plan to specialize in Geriatrics.
You did a great thing Bob. Thank you for sharing.

Allen, Thanks for the offer and the good words. I am posting another video of mine on the same trip. We flew up to Cascade locks and shot a landing. I let Francis do all of the flying he could. I helped when needed. The first video was a short one of the highlights of our 30 minute flight. The Oregon Health people put that together. All my videos are here some are of flights into the Idaho backcountry and some to dirt strips in and around my home airport S49 Vale, OR.
