New River Gorge WV32--Pireps?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jul 15, 2008
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Thinking of flying in there tomorrow for Bridge Day--anyone landed there? Many thanks for any info. Listed as private, his website says it is open to all.
If that's the one I'm thinking of, it's short and narrow. Saturday will be "breezy" with gusts to. 30 mph around the gorge (so said the Charleston weatherman a half hour ago). The event runs 0900-1500, with rain coming in towards the end.

Have a good time, and travel safe. The leaves are supposed to be at peak there now.
Don't fly under the bridge today, or any night/early morning or evening.
I went there earlier this year. Cool little strip, it all depends on how comfortable you are landing over obstacles on a narrow runway that is shortish with big trees on the other end. :D I had no problems but made sure I was about 1/2 fuel leaving there. What are you doing for transportation from there? There's not much there except the road that goes just over a mile steeply down to a creek crossing then a bit more than the mile back up another very steep hill.
Is it EVER a good idea to fly under a bridge?
Why not? Done it plenty (and legal) in a helicopter. :D If you can't get an airplane under the New River Bridge safely you have no business flying anywhere.
Is it EVER a good idea to fly under a bridge?

I know a guy who, about a dozen years ago, took a Super Cub on floats from the Mississippi River Delta to its headwaters near Bimidji. He stayed over the water the entire flight and never got over 50' AWL.

You do the math! :wink2: