New Pilot to Forum and KLNK Airport Questions


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 30, 2014
Olathe, KS
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I am new to this forum and just received my Private Pilots License recently! I am planning to fly from KIXD up to KLNK this weekend for the Husker football game. Does anyone have suggestions for the following at KLNK?

-Bring my own tiedowns?
-Free Parking or Tiedown Fee?
-Parking locations(side of field)?
-FBO suggestions?
-Anything else I should check out?

Welcome Garrett,

I don't know anything specific about the LNK airport, but some of the others do and hopefully will reply.

I too am not familiar with the area either, but I believe Jesse, a POA admin, is based at LNK...

I am new to this forum and just received my Private Pilots License recently! I am planning to fly from KIXD up to KLNK this weekend for the Husker football game. Does anyone have suggestions for the following at KLNK?
I'm based at LNK.

-Bring my own tiedowns?
Typically they would have enough but I suppose it's possible they could run out on game day. Might as well bring some just in case. However, very few planes are tied down on the ramp, just choked, if a weather threat comes up the line guys try to get things in hangars generally or tie them down. If you're worried about it certainly tie it down. I can't imagine violent weather will be a problem.
-Free Parking or Tiedown Fee?
Free at Silverhawk
-Parking locations(side of field)?
GA ramp is East side of the field. Silver hawk and Duncan are there and Silverhawk is more GA focused. Car parking and airplane parking shouldn't be a problem.

If you have any problems, give me a call, seven six three two two nine nine three four one.

How long will you be around?
Thank you for the information, this is perfect. We are planning to get in around 11am and then head back to KIXD on Sunday morning. Looks like decent weather so decided to make a short weekend trip to see the game. Thank you for the contact information this is very helpful.

Tristar posted this in a recent thread:

I'm a charter pilot for silverhawk. JuLee and the other girls at the front desk will take care of you. The courtesy cars are in good condition or they can set you up easily with a rental considering you'll be visiting for longer than an hour or two.

A few good things to know. Lincoln Approach is controlled by Omaha. They clumped it all together a year or two ago and now Lincoln and Omaha is called Omaha approach despite being two separate sets of airspace.

You may eventually be asked to do the "Pawnee Approach/arrival." This is not published anywhere. It's a locals VFR procedure. It's designed to keep you above the big boys in the pattern. All you do is fly to the lake (pawnee lake) directly west of the field at 3,500 ft then fly east to the intersection of the airport. Once you're past runway 36, you either report passing 36 or you'll get further clearance. If you opt not do this and the KC-135s are in the pattern, you'll get vectored to heck and back. If you're confused, just ask on how to do it.

They've been closing runway 36 and 32 to work on the runways. I think they're doing something to the light system but not sure. Unless the winds are strong, 9 out of 10 times you'll get runway 35/17 unless doing an instrument approach. On average, anything bigger than a gulfstream doesn't use that runway.

There's a bunch of POAers in Lincoln. Speak up if you need anything!
Would someone coming in from the southeast need to do the Pawnee approach?
Would someone coming in from the southeast need to do the Pawnee approach?

No, not at all.

KLNK is a slow class "C", but gets more traffic on game day. The controllers are really good, and they will get you direct to the airport with minimal deviations.

Go Big Red!

Anyone needing help shoot me an email asap.

York, NE (KJYR) is having a great EAA monthly breakfast Saturday morning 8 - 10am, 60 miles west of KLNK. Lots of planes, good food, and good company. Plan on it!
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Hey, Garrett. Welcome aboard!

I heard about your checkride right after it happened. Good job!
The Pawnee Approach will only be issued if you're coming from the west. Even then they typically only issue it to local flight training aircraft returning from the west practice area. It's a completely unpublished approach that I tell most people to simply say "unable, not familiar" to avoid any confusion at which point they'll be vectored like they would be coming from any other direction.

As to services at Silverhawk just keep in mind that on game day they are about 50 times busier than they typically would be otherwise. Courtesy cars will not be an option.