Neuropsychologist for SSRi - 3rd Class Booked (How to be ready?)


May 3, 2021
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I'm pursuing an SI for being prescribed an SSRI. My HIMS AME says that I'm pretty well ready with having an approved SSRI and a regular BCP that I see every three months. I'm now set up to take my Cog evaluation. I did some research and the FAA seems to require some ridiculous information (School records, performance records at work, etc...) which I have a lot of these. I also had a blood panel done in early January with my PCP, should I bring this too? Should I expect a blood draw or urine test? (not concerned for drugs or anything, just trying to be ready).

I did just have my AME exam in early May, so a lot of that should be part of my records. Just wanted to see what other experiences you all had.
This was my experience with the "full battery" at the neuropsychologist.

I think the FAA also requires that Dr. Neuro have your full FAA medical file before they can write their report so if you haven't started that process, get on it. It could take months before the FAA can process that file. Dr. Neuro may want to see the ridiculous information but if it's already a part of your FAA file, they'll get that info when they receive the file. Prior to my neuro exam, I sent Dr. Neuro a bunch of additional information, including my university transcripts pre/post to my sobriety date (enlightening, to say the least!) and reprints of my peer-reviewed journal articles. In my case, the FAA was looking for possible brain damage from drinking and drugging too hard so I was giving additional evidence that my brain has been working just fine, thankyouverymuch.

Prep for the test? Same as it ever was: try to get a good night's sleep and get some food in your belly before the whole shebang starts. I think most SSRI neuro screens don't require the full battery (unless your FAA letter specifies otherwise) but I didn't think the full battery was all that big of a deal. A bit nerve wracking in the middle of it sure, but looking back, it was more fun that anything. Intellectually stimulating, at a minimum.

Dr. Neuro is concerned about your brain and cognitive processing abilities so I wouldn't expect a blood draw or urine test, but have read that something like that can be required for ADHD tests but wouldn't be conducted at Dr. Neuro's office. Other people may have direct experience with this.

Good luck and get your patience hat ready to wear!
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This was my experience with the "full battery" at the neuropsychologist.

I think the FAA also requires that Dr. Neuro have your full FAA medical file before they can write their report so if you haven't started that process, get on it. It could take months before the FAA can process that file. Dr. Neuro may want to see the ridiculous information but if it's already a part of your FAA file, they'll get that info when they receive the file.

Good luck and get your patience hat ready to wear!

Thank you for the response. It's helpful considering most of this is a nervous trainwreck.
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