Neuropsychological/ Psychologist Testing from Anxiety/ Mild Depression/ Panic Disorder


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 6, 2024
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Bec Coleman
Don't come after me please but on July of 2023 I went to see an AME to get my medical, and I put down I had a past history of Anxiety, Mild Depression, and panic disorder, but I had been off my medication which was celexa since August of 2022. I got deferred as I figured that would happen but I had no idea it was going to go this far for me to do these tests which cost thousands of dollars. I have never been hospitalized never SH or anything close to it, I was just 15 years old a freshman in high school going through family things as well, but I heard this new policy had passed about the mental health issues among us Airmen. I asked my AME along with another one and they both told me I could not submit another application under the new policy which is very unfortunate because the FAA already said I need to do these tests.
It's the FAA's Sandbox and you've gotta play by their rules.
I don’t think the new policy would be applicable since you list 3 conditions, and the new policy is for a max of two. And when you go to the AME guidance, panic disorder is not on thr acceptable diagnosis list. Also it is for situational depression, if your depression is MDD, even if mild, it would still be deferred.
You have never been in the DOD, right?
Will one officer ever contermand the order of another? Noooooooooooooooo.
That would be chaos.

You need to do what the letter sez.'ll end up in the back on the bus.
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